Chapter 20

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Whining like a child that lost her candy to another, arms outstretched behind you, ass smacking against his harsh hips, chest suspended and heaving as heavy as you can when another thrust deepens the search within you. Gojo carves his way through, one thrust at a time. His face wild with pleasure and lust, his eyes trained to the way your body curves and trembles for him.

Sweat gleams from his forearms, back and lost to his primitive state once again, his grip tightening around your elbows hooking them around the middle of your back pressing himself against you.

Just being in you isn't enough anymore, he wants more.

Still tight as ever despite being thrashed about with some sex toy and even fingered with two of his own, his dick squeezed by you jams and reaches further into your stomach.

He could put a baby in you.

Puffs of hot air exhale out from the both of you.

You are physically exhausted, beginning to regain consciousness now only to be fucked like some brute would to a whore slaps your thighs, dribble bubbles down your torso. How can this still feel as good if not even better than before, you're lost to his whims, his lust and you want more of it, more of him.

Mentally your mind is gone into space, cloud nine who when you can be floating high into space nothing around you but feeling everything inside you. Gojo is here, inside.

You feel him move you around like some lost doll he find in the attic, now your back pressing firmly against his chest sticking like glue, your hair moved to the side, Gojo looks down upon your exposed neck like a vampire would to a dame. His tongue slithers and sucks at his own lips, salivating at the thought of marking you.

Red heat blemishing your shoulder enough so that when he watches your intake another breath the thought of not only being balls deep inside of you but teeth too gets him started.

His hand scoops up and clenches at your throat, you gasp looking straight up at the ceiling again, lips parted in an 'O' shape. Gojo keeps silent still holding you by the neck whilst his teeth attack you with small numbing bites.

Pulling away, running as best as you can, escaping he keeps one hand on your stomach palm pressing you into him despite you trying to pull away.

"Naughty~" He kisses your neck, "Girl~" His hand tightening around your neck, just enough for air to pass but spots of colour dot your vision.

"Don't~" Lifting his knee up, he opens his path to you now your thigh rest on his knee against you, toes curl against the sheets. You finally swing into him, him pushing and pulling at you to fall back into him.

"Run away." He finally finishes slamming his front into your behind, you topple like a row of dominoes to the ground, the softness of the mattress cushioning your fall.

Gojo removes the tight little thing around his dick, white stickiness pool out of it.

He falls down next you, behind you, cradling you like a babe, there's no rest for the wicked though, you feel and moan for him as he presses himself behind you. The tip raw and leaking still easily slides in this time, sopping and squelching inside, his hand marks and draws red slaps against your thigh bringing them up to your hip.

Whimpering into the pillow closest to you, Gojo scoops your side up in his other arm securing himself in place, hips rolling and grinding against you. Slower this time, but rougher.

"Not~so~ah~nghn~rough~" You breathe out, leg twitching from the constant attention it's been getting since the start, tingles of heat prickle up and down your pussy.

Gojo doesn't listen in fact he goes faster and harder, his own breath hitching from the workout, his mouth inches away from your neck. His dick slipping in and out of you, the softness of the sheets crumple around you from the strain.

Looking at your bare back glued to his own, Gojo tastes you in his mouth, sweet and lingering still he continues to stare at your exposed shoulder. A wild moment takes over him, he clenches his jaw as he thrust like one wild rabbit in heat, your nails dig into his skin hooking into place.

Lost the both of you become numb, latching on to the sheets, him to your shoulder crying out in both pain and pleasure.

Tear's strike.

"Ahhah~Satoru~" Whimpering the feeling of something hot swipes and stings at your shoulder, bright red teardrops smudges at his chin painting himself like a bloody canvas.

"That hurt." You say, but the new feeling of warmth spills out from you, panting you draw your fingers down to where you are still connected.

White and gooey.

"I'll finish soon, don't worry honey."

Messy and dirty is what you felt like when you awoke the next morning, still entangled in limbs and an instant ache in well everywhere around your body felt sore. Stretching as best as you can you instantly feel the sting on your shoulder peering over shocked, an instant groan comes from the perpetrator.

Grabbing the pillow next to you throwing it at him, moving away to witness the devastation appealed to you in last night's attack. Bite marks, hand marks, it's like you've been beaten by a fish with the way you look. Lips swollen and raw, wrists red and turning black and blue, thighs with handprints on them.

Gojo groans again this time you aim and fire at him with a lounge cushion, it doesn't land directly square, but you don't see, he props himself onto the pillows sleepily still.


"You're an asshole." You angrily throw another cushion at him this time stopping it with his hand.

Smirking Gojo looks at all of you, finally someone he claimed...

The bite mark on your shoulder still bleeds red from all the added movement, he thought he patched you up real good last night.

"And you're my slut." That quickly slipped out of his mouth but so did you flipping him off, strutting away towards the glass shower, huffing and puffing.

Gojo sighs.

Hand moving to scrunch his hair from his face, a swelling feeling pitted in his heart, his phone pings on the chair. He already knows who it is.

Sighing once again he removes himself from bed, it turns out this time you're not the only one coming out unscathed, attacks from you lay bare at his thighs and back.


That was hawt

Anyways thanks for reading and voting, I honestly love replying to you all especially when it takes you half the book to realise I'm the author 😂🤣🤣🤣

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