Chapter 50

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Nothing lasts forever.

Forever is a lie.

All there is, is what's between hello and goodbye.

The sun is shining, the sky is blue and today is still giving gifts for it being October 31st, you always get weird chills on days like today but where there has been none. Only the never-ending feeling of a flutter swarming inside your stomach and the joyous spring in your step as you skip alongside Morgan out of the longest lecture of your life. Before today was dreary and boring, but now after that text everything has felt like it's fallen into place.

Today's going to be a good day, it might not have started that way but it'll sure as hell end like one. You just know it.

Walking besides you Morgan tries not to be the bearer of bad news since your happy-go-lucky attitude sprung out of nowhere especially when you were transforming into a worry wart. But she doesn't have it in her to say, to calm your excited heart running at a hundred miles an hour and say, 'to not fly too close to the sun'. But that smile, that beautiful, gorgeous smile plastering your lips she just can't find it in herself to see it go away and so all she can do is pat you on that back and add.

"I hope it goes well, Y/n, I really do." You don't catch the breaking sorrow bubbling up in her throat.

Smiling softly at her encouragement, you can't remember the last time you smiled so hard that your face muscles begin to hurt. Maybe it was the night you and Gojo made love for the first time after everything that went down with you two and Usui. It's sad to think that was probably the last time you were this happy, but you can't fault it for anything the way he makes you feel. Alive and as if you're on fire at the same time, to be around him and never get enough of him, that's what your love feels like for him. So deep and raging hot like a fireball you know this because of him, and if this is not what you call love, you honestly don't know what is.

"I hope so too and thank you Morgan. Bye-bye." Waving her off as you near the closest bus stop to get to Yokohoma station.

You would go home and change out of your sweats but the desire to do so is limited, spending the summer over at Gojo's house has taught you one thing, it doesn't matter what you wear he'll always still find you attractive. Oh, God remembering the image of him finding you snot-faced hungover from the night before. Your hair in shambles, makeup running down your face as if someone had wiped it poorly with a wet wipe. Slung over the toilet basin and chugging up some pure lumps from the Korean BBQ, you and Morgan had gone to.

That was a sight you're sure he'll never forget or rid his mind of; it wasn't a planned thing but seeing as he was away you didn't expect him to be back so soon after Morgan had dropped you off. Either way, it shows that he could care less about what you wear or merely look like for today, but it does still urge you in wanting to correct your makeup and respray yourself. That lecture theatre was musky and had already had two hundred plus students in it before your class entering afterwards.

There is simply no way on this goddamn planet that you're going to meet up with Gojo stinking of nearly four hundred peoples B.O and the combined acidic smell of body perfume. Worst case scenario of smelling like a farm animal whilst your man finally admits to you that he loves you and wants to be with you. This isn't you being hopeful, you know he likes you and even loves you, but it still hurts when your demons say otherwise. For now, at least you push them back into pandora's box where they can rot in hell and die. So, you wait and sit back onto the designated seating area as you watch the day pass by.

Checking the time once you get close to the station thankfully the bus journey wasn't too long, and the day-time traffic didn't deter you away, but you can't deny the fact you were nearly falling off your seat with anticipation. It's okay it's only three-forty, being early isn't a bad thing it just means that you're punctual and clearly not as head over heels for this man as you let everyone on to believe.

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