Chapter 48

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It all started with a kiss, barely a feathered peck swallowing you whole as the overwhelming gentle caress of his lips steal your breath away.

The ever so small gap between you two nothing but a rapid beat of his heart as his body slowly begins to tower over your own, the gentle press of the mattress greets the small of your back. Half lidded you watch as Gojo handles your fragile hands like glass, the same way he did earlier with the wine. His fingers hooking around your own, cupping them when his rose-coloured lips start to peck at your blemishing knuckles.

So warm and so right.

His tender touches flutter a flurry of strange sensations throughout your being, it's been so long, too long that he's held you like this that it all feels new as if you're a virgin sacrifice. Giddy when his puckering lips drizzle up and along your forearm, slow and passionate when he continues to make his way up to you once more.

The bed dips under his weight as he crawls above keeping his heaviness off you and only the springs of the mattress groan and suffer besides your hip and over your shoulder. Your skin prickles with a sweet chill as the velvety soft suction of his tongue makes quick escape from his mouth to lick you all over. A long warm trail of his saliva slicks from the curve of your shoulder all the way to the dip of your collar bone, eyes never leaving yours.

For a subtle reaction, to pull away, but you couldn't be any more aroused, too acutely aware of his hanging erection between his legs that he has yet to bother acknowledging let alone touching. He makes sure to keep it away from you, still the chance to end it if you wanted, but you don't, you let him continue with his licking.

The heated grip of his palms lathering up and down the curves of your body, his pasty white skin glows gold in the candlelight, the deep furrowed shadows contouring his face. Sharp and expensive yet so soft for you, so sweet in contrast to the way he was before, and now after everything slotting into place. His gentle touch hooks under your chin by a simple finger bringing you up and into a deep kiss. You withhold a squirm as his thumb massages into a soft circle just below your bottom lip before pulling it back to bring room for more.

Hot but not burning inside your mouth when a soft groan leaves you, nails scraping and digging for leverage as you feel yourself be devoured by him. Gojo stills above you, head inclining downwards licking at the hard surface of your teeth, sucking the velvet skin of your tongue and devouring at your cheeks. Tasting of fine wine and a mix of chocolate from the melted covered strawberries from earlier, he can't wait to spoil you.

In riches, and in love.

Be drunk from you and yet so sober that it kills him and yet every time he comes back for more hoping that this time will be enough. Enough to have all of you.

"Ah~" The leaking pre-cum spills in a long rope, dangling and attached to your bare stomach, the heat topples over as your core tightens.

The slow pulse of her beginning to open in a welcoming embrace, you begin to feel yourself grow wetter by the second. Gojo breaks free gasping for air as do you, a trail of saliva connects between you two. It dribbles past your chin and into the ridge of your cleavage, smearing into a clumpy white raspberry streaming between the two breasts.

Breathing deeper, head lulling back as you continue to feel his slow descent around your lips, his own licking at your cheeks, the sharpness of your jaw cutting his tongue if it warranted. The press of his body heat encompassing you into a tight bundle of nerves ready to spark with the light flutter of his fingertips. Gojo pulls downwards upon you, spreading yourself open like a butterfly about to take her first flight, he slots in between your thighs as his lower half presses into the mattress.

fuck buddies don't act like this (Gojo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now