Chapter 32

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"Megumi-kun don't forget to call me when you get to school." Deadpanning at the male that wears the smile of a retreating housewife dropping off the kids to do scandalous things.

That's how Fushiguro Megumi views Gojo in this moment, an irk mark growing on the inside of his temple, chewing his cheek for a quick dismissal not believing he'll have to live with this... thing for the next four years of his life now being a student at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. Not like he could have gotten away from him the moment he turned seven but that's another story, rather Fushiguro trades listening to Gojo-sensei any further to flipping out his smartphone.

There's much better things to be doing than standing in the middle of the square of some Suburban town of Sendai, dilly-dallying it away.

The people of Sendai find Gojo's erratic strange behaviour as a nuisance when they travel past the duo, some ogling young women blush when the man makes direct eye contact with them. Others with partners shy away from his beauty and the men eye him up and down with a sense of rivalry to them. Fushiguro sighs remembering how problematic Gojo can be if certain things don't go his way but also knowing full well that the bastard makes up most things as he goes along.

He did it with him.

"I'll call you if anything happens." He manages to mumble out, Gojo waves a final goodbye to his only student.

It's been ten days since you and Gojo have 'broke up' if he could even call it that, it was more like a steppingstone in his life there's simply more fish to catch and fry. It's not like he has any emotional attachments lingering for you specially, feeling anything other than his normal jovial self is detrimental to his working life and being 'unattainable' in his opinion is something he strives for.

It is hard being the strongest after all.

And just before he goes off doing strong people shit, Gojo Satoru has some catching up to do with a certain someone. It's hard being loved but easy being promiscuous and sinful in many pleasurable acts mainly spreading thighs and undoing belt buckles.

The person that so desperately whisked himself away from his dutiful work with finding some cursed object needing some much-needed TLC, is a feverish blend of a godly woman he met back in his high school days. An older lady not much by a few years, blessed with beauty by the Goddess Athena herself, granted curves in an hourglass figure with just the right amount of plump to her breast that makes any hands grabby and needy for them.

A bewitching woman once had him wrapped around her little pinkie finger for some time when a darkness overtook him. She wasn't much for feelings either and so the two of them made quite the pair at night-time, mostly anytime of the day they were wrapped in each other. Lovers with no strings, no feelings, truly together and furthest apart the loneliest.

Hearts paralleling in a spiral close enough to be connected and never straying far from each other but never once crossing over into something new. Gojo never wanted anything more than what he had with such a woman; she was the perfect ideal in his mind. She wasn't angry nor clingy when he would leave her months on end with nothing, no texts, no calls, not even wanting a booty call on the spur of the moment. She was always there, and he was too. But like everything it changed, she, Gabrielle Felez went off to finish her modelling career overseas finding more luxurious men to swindle their wives from and to live freely. No qualms of Japanese society pressuring her to settle down, become a housewife, have little gremlins wandering around her house calling her mother.

She had a dream and took it; she didn't waver for anyone not even the likes of Gojo Satoru.

That is the type of woman Gojo had hoped in you, but all he got was a temporary fix to his problem and now a gnawing in his heart. Holding the thighs above his head the luscious cream of her legs dangle behind him, the satisfied cherry lips pop in a gasp bucking his hips inside. Yes, his heart gnaws for something to bite on but his rut for lust smacks into the likely hole of the woman below him.

fuck buddies don't act like this (Gojo x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα