Chapter 64

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"You've said some crazy things since I've known you but this... this is insane Y/n!" Morgan revels clapping the unsteady metal table making the feet screech along the concrete slabs.

Whilst you were worried at first for others overhearing your crazy talk – you are aware that talking to Morgan about Gojo and what he's revealed about his undercover life is in fact crazy – but what can you do. You and Morgan have become as thick as thieves. But from the looks of things taking things outside and chatting here might have not been the best of ideas. The chirping winds lull whilst busy-worker-bees barely acknowledge her outburst, but the bystanders close by increasingly grow wary of her sudden change of behaviour as it increases by the more you unfold to her.

Making it seem as though she's been trudging through the dark forest and only now finds her way out gasping for clues for anything that could piece together such bizarre turn of events. It was only just yesterday that you were telling her all about Gojo suddenly appearing back into your life as if he sprung from a magical oil lamp and now only to be told that you all live oblivious to this hidden magical world. Of course, it sounds barbaric?! How would any sane person inhale such a story and carry along with their day knowing some psychopath is trying to swindle women into his bed. That woman being you. Rude of her to assume your tastes but like come on Y/n you can't have believed him?

But from the looks of things you had.

"Well, uh you see... I don't really know like I didn't believe it at first either...until we teleported into the sky." Your expression fades into a smile vividly remembering the moment whilst Morgan's grows with weary concern.

She watches as you scratch behind your ear, head tilting and eyes wandering, this has to be a lie right? However as much as she wants to believe such things she can already see his hooks in you clawing deeper into your heart. Carving his way through just like that scumbag Usui had done so before.

She had previously thought that she had fought off all kinds of foes before from your sleezebag of an ex-boyfriend Hitoshi to the overall creepy mess that Usui was. But she finds herself stumped as she never questioned your tastes to plummet so far down towards a delusional psychotic mess that Gojo Satoru has become, whilst it was a rocky start at first, she thought that he was able to do good by you, but she was wrong. Very wrong to assume that a hot mess of a dreary mound of shit could develop into a caring gentlemen that weeps for your needs. Tigers don't change their stripes.

Gentlemen? They simply don't exist, not anymore.

"I'm sorry please repeat that again." She inclines her head further trying to divulge the problem at its source.

Unable to rack her head around the absolute insanity spouting from your lips, you're a clever girl and yet she finds you saying the stupidest of things right now.

You however lean back into your seat somewhat taken aback from Morgan's resistance against everything she and you were led to believe about the world is in fact false. That fact is it's so much worse than either of you could ever imagine, it's a concept that no one wants to accept and yet the truth is never pleasant but always ugly and cruel. But you had expected this as much as you wish as she's an open minded person if you weren't shown what he showed you, you might have been in the same boat that she currently resides in now.

Sighing, your hands fiddle with each other upon your lap.

"Gojo isn't who we thought he was, he's... magical." Shrugging you watch the disbelief of utter shock splash over her face.

"Do you even hear yourself?"

Does she even hear herself?

That you wonder right now sitting before her trying to repeat the exact things Gojo has said to you and yet you're the crazy one for thinking she would understand you. Just a few minutes ago you and her were chatting about the strenuous life of adulthood and yet believing this is far more unreasonable than having your clients rip you off a shit ton of money for being a 'naïve little girl'.

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