Chapter 14

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Taken that's what happened to you.

Gojo ate you right up and threw you to the sheets to finish you there, curling and thrashing around, pounded into the mattress like a hammer to a slab of meat and you were enjoying every minute of it. The brutality of all, face smashing against the pillow, nose breathing in more fabric softener than actual air, it became intoxicating.

Gojo kneeled on top.

His hands making a curvature of your spine making your ass pop against his hips, a sort of cushion against his harsh thrusts. All this happened when you let your guard down and the next thing you knew Gojo was already tearing a condom onto his dick, you gave him the consent to do so drunk of the ecstasy of his lust.

Gojo looks down upon your exposed back the ridges and curvature of your spine, the way your skin contorts, sweat gleaming off all the edges. Huffing he takes one hand training it down with the tip of his finger, he's never felt like this before.


The way he saw that guy look at you today, the inkling he had towards you, it made him want to hurt him. Curse or not, he knew that Hitoshi was not a nice guy and didn't deserve you. Holding you in his arms now, you're like this because of him a slave to each other's weaknesses.

But can he give you up for an actual chance at love?

Waking up in the low levels of the evening, curtains dawned a closed, and only lamps settle around the four corners of the room. Dressed in nothing but an oversized black t-shirt with the collar exposing one half of your blotched shoulder decorated in bite marks and bruised with kisses.

Gojo stands looking at his phone a neutral face reading the text.

"You're leaving?"

"Yes, I've got overtime." Gojo rings out looking over towards your still tired droopy face, yawning whilst you rub your eyes awake.

"What about the room?" You ask abouts to get out of bed, Gojo did pay for the suite after all.

"I got this for you, you have the habit of falling asleep after sex. I've paid even for morning breakfast." He adds like a passing thought, tilting your head hands fiddling with the intricacies of the sheets.

Why is he being so, so...friendly?

It's just sex, right?

No feelings, but then why is he making them? Is this part of the fuckboy nature, shaking your head as the thoughts rattle on Gojo slips on his black blindfold back into place.

"I'll call you for next time." With that he leaves shutting the door behind him.

Falling back into the comforting sheets of the bed, your eyes fall heavy on the last thought of Gojo.


No smut for a while

fuck buddies don't act like this (Gojo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now