Chapter 31

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Heavy shallow breaths exhale out when a lump that hasn't gone away since this morning warps your throat up even more, hacking up whatever gunk that so happened slither down there. You cough, an almighty one at that, tasteless green little chunks spew of silly string upon the not so white tissue. Just great, just what you need on a Monday morning a fucking cold but seeing the amount of emotional stress especially from yesterday you can only figure that your body finally said enough is enough piling up to this.

Even blinking is hard, they itch with crispy eye dust like the usual but this time they rim with uncontrollable tears that wish to break free, but you know better than the average stupid ass hoe to rub them. It was second grade when you last had a full blown cold as bad as this one, not even through high school did you settle for anything less than being as fit as a fiddle. Oh, how the tables have turned against you the tide high and rising with each new tug to rise out of bed, you need to change, shower, EAT SOMETHING AT LEAST!!

But your body being the rejecting bitch that she is after the toll of this morning hurting like hell you might as well have been railed by the underbelly of the Shinkansen train for all that matters. It took everything in you not to turn around and joke it off, Gojo would've accepted it, but you knew deep down inside that he doesn't really care about you, your feelings nor is he mellowing over it. You're a speck to his life, an ant that so happened to wander into the graces of some divine honey but like all sweet things they end up being addicting whilst silently rotting away your life. The cavities being the pain after making the mature decision to do some self-loving for a change, you've already had toxic men in your life it's time to move on. That's what your mind is saying at least your heart is just a little... slow.

Yeah, it's probably best to not talk to that soppy hoe, she falls easily even when you had no idea at the beginning. It was nice at the beginning but now you reap what you sewed and physically speaking it's one hobble at a time to the bathroom in your tiny studio apartment. You don't know what's worse getting fucking railed to the point that your legs won't walk or having your airways blocked and slowly die from cause of suffocation and clumpy snot. At least the former offers peace and the ability to sleep peacefully. Maybe not, sitting down gets you as far as a near miss of a squat well if the bush people of the Amazon rainforest can do it so can you, it's going to be Niagara Falls in here anyway's. Just then your phone buzzes, oh hell nah it better not be anyone that you don't know and do know, fuck it's not Gojo he has a special ringtone now with the number of times he's called right after or during something important. Just to be safe, flipping it over with a relieved sigh quickly finding out that it's Morgan, well she's going to find out anyway.

"Y/n, I've been trying to get to you, how come you're not in?" Once you returned from Gojo's place you instantly knew it was going to be impossible to stand let alone wander around campus and concentrate on the sports festival.

That's right that's soon also, fuck that, making you do egg-flower-spoon race as well as the assault course just because you're physically capable doesn't mean you have to do it, extra credits your ass. Thinking of which it could be a cute date with Usui him seeing you down and dirty not like that of course but seeing you work hard for the team, maybe even get some lunches, have him meet Morgan.

Eek it sounds fun.

"Morgan, I'm ill." The long pause between you trickling out a wee and her blinking multiple times.


"I don't think I caught that right, you're ill? Y/n you've always been as healthy as a horse, I don't think I've ever seen you take a day off before and now you're ill? Is it... a yeast infection because girl I told yer-"

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