Chapter 9

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He doesn't take you to the bedroom but moves you across the room straight against the white walls, a canvas of sorts is close in your provisional vision. You would hook your legs around his waist if it weren't for being quite literally sunken deep onto his dick, loud squelching sounds of your cum and the lube whisk up and around inside you.

Your bare back hitting the wall curving slightly your shoulder blades and the upper part of your back remain close to the wall, gripping like sandpaper as Gojo thrusts slightly in further. You duck your head downwards watching his toned stomach breathe in and out, sweat trickles more from yourself than him.

Just how strong is this man?

Gojo makes sure to stabilize your ass with one hand and hold you by the waist with the other, trapping you in between him. He presses further still feeling the urge to bury deeply inside, the hard clenches of your entrance squeezes at his base, more gripping now without the smooth texture of the condom.

You look back up witnessing the relish of passion and sex mix a cocktail and blush across his face, his deep eyes lust onto your body, a wave of superiority relieves over you, this man, this godly being of a man wants you.

He wants you so bad that he makes a face like that, embracing Gojo right now makes it so you could do anything, be anything and this man would still bury deeply inside you.

You rake your fingers across his large neck, strong and hard from the tensing of his muscles his focus far away from where you're touching and more on how deep he can go with you. He's so pale that the blushing all around his neck and cheeks exuberance the lush red hue, nails grazing and tapping inaudible tunes onto the side of his neck, you pull your face upwards just for a kiss.

That turned into you going in for a taste, sweet. He is sweet, you found before having all this that he had lots of sweets including his perfume was scented like that of a sweetshop. Sucking and biting the best of your ability, giving someone a hickey as far as your kissing ability goes in the relationship department, your ex made sure of that, he wanted you to claim him but now it felt more like the other way around.

Gojo feels your soppy attempts on his neck the warm wet feeling of your tongue sucking and sliding in a lapping motion, he smirks.

And he thrusts, your whole being thrusts along with him, bobbing upwards your face becomes level with his in this new position. You see his smile so evidently on his lips, they capture your own in seconds. His breath hot and his tongue making dreams of you yet, you melt into his grasp, his touches the way he holds you.

If as if he's a lover.

Gojo's gentle touch skims over you holding you upright as you feel his twitching dick slick in and out, his hips roll at a new angle, your fingers grip and curl in a spasm.

"Oh my god~" You breathe out tensing your legs and wanting to pull away from him from whatever is about to leak and jump out of you.

"Ah~hah~AaaaaHHNGH~" He holds you firmly in place bringing your lower self-more into him, skin slapping each other, his thighs on your gaping wet hole.

"Don't run away, let me fuck you till you break." He whispers lustfully into your ear you squirm in his stronghold your sweat clings to you like a second layer and the heathy pants and rising and falling chest makes it hard to stay held in place.

You have no control of yourself, he has you in his arms, his hands smudging more marks onto your skin, tearing away any purity still clinging to you like a threaded tether with weights attached to it. You were already deflowered but now you were truly and utterly his design.

And you allow it.

The squelching and thwopping noises in the corridor soon cease to exist as Gojo retracts his still hardened thing out of you, your limp body unable to stay upright in his arms, how has he not cummed yet?

"How, huh, how are you still hard?" Panting you managed to breathe out against his chest as Gojo now holds you like a bride, carrying you off to the one place he can finish.

He chuckles, Gojo opens and closes the door with precision before throwing you onto the bed, your legs drape over the sides your feet touching the cold wooden floor. The sensation makes you gasp, and tremble what more is there to do?

Gojo goes over to his set of drawers and draws out another packet of condoms, tearing the foil away he slips the clear elastic thing on and around his penis. You see it still twitching and ready for round 3. You take a deep breath in, in an attempt to calm the fuck down, your heart races and you can already feel the ache in your pelvis.

Whatever he's about to do to you will ruin your chances in walking properly in the next coming days or sitting for that matter. You watch him move around you before standing at the foot of the bed picking up your loose limbs and forcing them against your chest like a folded sun chair. You don't hold them too exhausted to even lift a finger, panting still Gojo leans forwards and you feel the large tip submerge back into you.

He truly does intend to fuck you till you break.

He moans and gasps still you're clenching still around him despite the many deep fucking sessions he did to ensure this wouldn't happen, maybe you're pussy is naturally tight all the time. Hissing Gojo tries to retract his movements in a way to leverage your body before slapping back into place.

The weight of his body solely resides on your folded knees, his hands cuffing under your kneecaps and your calves bouncing away on top of them. He can see everything, the way your pussy grips around him, the way your lips expand for his size, the sloshing of cum already slicking and sticking around his gloved cock.

"fuck." He hisses again clenching his jaw his release soon arriving, you feel it his dick twitching and thrashing inside of you despite the tight clenching of your walls.

Eye's half lidded you both tenses once more for the final time.

Gojo slumps over you pecking small love bites all over from your arms to your shoulder and finally a small kiss. You deliriously smile back before your eyes shut and finally close for the night.


Even I'm hot and bothered from that🥵

fuck buddies don't act like this (Gojo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now