Chapter 60

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"Get in

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"Get in."

Those were it, the only words he said to her since their trip to and from the police station.

Olivia could feel the muscle in her heart tighten the moment she heard the coldness in his voice, and saw how he was fighting within himself to not look at her. It wasn't that he couldn't, he just didn't want to. He was upset with her, visibly and he had every reason to.

Olivia clenched her fist and drew a deep breath as she walked into the suite the hotel had readied for them. The splattering sound of the rain as it hit the ground wasn't as loud as it was when she got in, but it still soothed her. After the day she had, she knew she could give anything for a good night's rest especially after the doctor's recommendation a while ago when she and Rafael had visited the hospital to get her checked up.

She was still a bit shaky and it wasn't just because she was entirely wet from being beaten by the rain each time they walked to the car and out of it, but also by the situation that had happened earlier. She need a shower, probably a hot bath, and maybe a hair dryer to fix her wet hair before it got too tangled.

She managed to walk into the room one step at a time, clenching her fist even tighter when she heard the door close behind them both. She swallowed hard when she got to the center of the room and felt him walk past her, heading straight to the windows one after the other.

She watched how he lifted the white curtains gently and peeked through the blurry glass outside like he was inspecting the area. She could see how he let out an exhale, one she identified to probably be a relief one as he walked sturdily towards the bedroom as well to do the same.

Olivia gave him a minute.

She knew how alert Rafael had been with his environment and with security the past days. She knew exactly what he was doing and why he was doing it. Why he was making sure that Randal hadn't also predicted the hotel they were going to stay in. He was paranoid and conscious of everything and he didn't even realize how bad it had gotten.

She couldn't blame him. She knew just how much the past events had taken from him and most importantly, she could tell how disappointed in her that he was for leaving without telling him first. Even though he didn't talk about it, she could read through him, she could tell he was upset and wasn't in the mood to speak to her of all people.

She felt him walk past her again as he found his way out of the bedroom and towards the white long couch in the middle of the room. He made his way to the front of it and took one last look around the large room right before he returned his gaze to her for the first time in hours. He looked at her for a minute like he was searching for words before he finally opened his mouth to speak.

"I'd take the couch." He told her as he raised his wrist to his chest area so he could take off his cufflinks one after the other, still leaving his gaze on her and his face as straight as it had been with a frown on it. His shirt was drenched from all that rain, not like it was water proof plus he had worn his suit jacket over her earlier to protect her instead, especially since her dress was see-through when it was wet.

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