Chapter 46

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The dining room was quite the graveyard that it had always been

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The dining room was quite the graveyard that it had always been. No one made a sound even as everyone was right there, seated in their chairs and helping themselves with the feast in front of them, everyone besides Sommadina of course.

After what had happened the other time, she had done all she could to avoid any form of interaction with Rafael, it wasn't just her that felt extremely awkward by the situation, it was Edwin, Edward, and most importantly, Olivia. She had her eyes glued on her food and spent most of her time fidgeting with her fork. She pretended to eat but at the same time it was pretty obvious that she wasn't, he could notice it, everyone else could.

While Grace was extremely busy stuffing her mouth with food like nothing happened, Edward too, Edwin could notice how Olivia had so much on her mind, and he could also see how it affected the way Rafael acted. No one could blame him though, it was a surprise how he still managed his cool even after what he and Edward had told him earlier.

He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that there was the slightest chance that Olivia was trying to leave the mansion again, and even worse, without telling him about it. He could understand the reason for her upset, but he just felt betrayed by the entire thought of it, especially after he had promised her that he was going to handle the situation with his mother.

Olivia turned to her phone the moment it beeped, and then again, and then again. It was a streak of messages popping into her device and it looked like it came from the same person. Rafael couldn't see much since her phone wasn't exactly too close to him but he saw enough to make him raise his gaze to her. He could see the words "Agent" as the sender and could already guess that those were house photos.

He hurried his gaze back into his plate and reached for his fork just as Olivia quickly reached for her phone and flipped it upside down. Rafael cut a slice out of his plantain and forced it into his mouth.

"Who's that?" He asked, pretending like he had no idea what was going on. Edward raised his gaze to Olivia too when he noticed how Edwin already had his eyes on the situation.

"No one." Olivia said as she managed to cut her plantain into a smaller piece. "Just work stuff."

Now she was lying too.

Rafael nodded his head, forcing himself to swallow the food in his mouth so he didn't choke on it even though it was really hard to. He didn't raise his head to her for a second. He couldn't believe that she had lied to him either. Edward slowly reached for his cup of juice, leaving his eyes on Olivia while he took a long sip from it.

"Edward told me that you plan on leaving the house with Grace."

Edward spat what was left of the juice in his mouth out immediately in shock at the mention of his name just as Olivia froze. She clenched on to her knife and fork and didn't make a move right after. Edward knew he had told Rafael everything he knew about Olivia's plans but he never thought he would bring it out like that in front of everyone, including her.

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