Chapter 19

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Sephora legal

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Sephora legal.

Olivia tightened her grip on her purse as she walked down the hallway of the large hall leading to one of the meeting rooms. She was probably never going to get used to being in the four walls of that building, it was always different whenever she was in. It represented itself well as one of the largest law firms in the country so she was not surprised by how organized it was.

It was no wonder he was always proud of it, of all he had built so far. Sephora legal was one of Rafael's greatest establishment and he did well by naming it after his late daughter Kamsi. Everything about it screamed "prestige" and "diligence", including its staff, especially when they were not busy boring invisible holes on her forehead through their judgmental glares like they did every other Thursday when she met with her lawyers.

She was used to it already, at least they weren't too obvious with their stares like the rest of the people outside those four walls. They probably were better informed about her situation than everyone else since the firm was representing her and the people of Apapa in court.

She let the lady in really loud stiletto heels lead her down the hallway, with her hips swaying side by side under her midi skirt that hugged on tightly to her curvy thighs. She had the strands from her long weave swaying from side to side due to the cool air from all the air conditioners in the hallway.

She let the woman lead her to one of the rooms surrounded by huge tempered opaque glass windows, and a huge brown door leading into it. It was the general hall, she remembered it a lot. It was where Rafael usually had his meetings.

Somehow, he had given his permission to have her lawyers make use of the space whenever they had invited her for any preparations for court. He had put a lot into consideration and had decided that that would have been the most convenient room for her in the whole company, he wasn't wrong.

She walked into the room right after the woman and stopped for a moment when she noticed that the woman had stopped walking. She heard her gasp loudly and quickly as fast as she could, turning to face Olivia immediately with a look of shock on her face. Olivia slowly raised her head to her, furrowing her brows and wondering why they had suddenly stopped. She barely had a lot of time to spare before she was back to preparing for Grace's party again. She really didn't want to get delayed so much.

She turned to the front of the room and held her breath the moment her eyes met his gaze, the moment her eyes met him, almost shirtless, and sitting in front of the long glass table. She saw how about two nurses surrounded him while the doctor in front of them injected his upper arm with a needle.

She could immediately notice the beads of sweat that formed around his forehead and how his face had lost a lot of color, his eyes weren't exactly as bright as they used to be either. How was he still there? She could remember Tony mentioning that he was on his way to Lagos. Did he change his mind? Was his current predicament the reason why?

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