Chapter 87- Final Chapter

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Tony jumped out of the taxi even before the driver had parked fully. He was tensed, really tensed since his call with Rafael the night before. Nothing made sense to him since then. He remembered beating himself up all night, his eye bags were so visible from barely getting any sleep and the crowd at the airport made it almost impossible for him to think right. The conversation kept on playing over and over in his head and it was driving him nuts, even more nuts scanning the entire hallway in an attempt to find her.

"What do you mean?"

He could remember the shock that had passed through his skin after hearing Rafael speak, and with the way the hairs on his body sprung up after Rafael's exhale, he knew it wasn't a joke, Rafael meant every word he said. 

Tony picked up pace each time Rafael's answer to his question flooded his memory. He raced towards the departure hall, trying to cover as much as he could with his eyes but it didn't matter how much he looked, he couldn't find her.

"Ivory didn't leave you behind twelve years ago. She got pregnant and Randal found out. He locked her away for two years and forbade her from contacting anyone. He told her that if any of us ever found out, he was going to get rid of you. She lost twelves years of her life, protecting a secret that was meant to protect you."

He exhaled weakly.

He was such a fool. Tony had went from hating himself to blaming himself. How could he have been so ignorant to not know this, to not connect the lines? How was he so selfish to care about how he felt rather than believing in her feelings for him? He could have known, he could have seen through her, he could have done all he could to find out the truth. How did he let himself be so consumed by his anger, anger for being abandoned by her that he couldn't even tell what she had been through, tell how much she had suffered by herself? The things she couldn't have said? why didn't he ever ask her for an answer over and over again until she was able to spill it out?

Regrets. He hated himself, at that moment he hated himself so much.

"She's leaving Tony, tomorrow, and she's not coming back. It's not too late to make things right brother, now that you know the truth about what happened, now that you know the truth about why she left."

He started to run as fast as he could up the escalator. He needed the truth, he needed to hear the truth himself and he needed to hear it from her. He couldn't let her leave, not like that, not yet, not until he confirmed the very words he had heard, not until he saw her. He ran up what was left of the moving stairs.

There were a lot of people in the hall and he wasn't even sure where to look. How on earth was he going to find her in the crowd? Tony let out a frustrated exhale, raising his hand to his forehead and leaving it there. He had to think, he needed to think.

He got out his phone immediately, and called her phone, raising it to his ear so he could hear it clearly when it started to ring. It was frustrating how she wasn't answering her calls. At this point, he had beads of sweat forming on his forehead even with the air conditioning.

"Please pick up, please, please, please." He muttered to himself before he called her again.

"Can I see your ticket please-"

Tony turned to the man in a uniform that had approached him from in front of the metal detector. Ticket? He didn't have one.
Tony wasn't sure how he was going to explain that to the man with a stern look on his face in front of him. He stepped out of the way for the queue to get moving without him. He was about to say something when he heard the announcement from the speaker being made. It was calling all the passengers for a certain flight to get on board. Was that hers? What if it was? Was he late? Was she finally leaving without saying goodbye? It was useless, it was late for him. Tony let out an exasperated exhale and raised his hand to his forehead to give it a rub.

Sinners And Saints IIIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora