Chapter 43

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The stars were at their most beautiful sight as the moonlight left traces of its shadow like a cloud over her compound

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The stars were at their most beautiful sight as the moonlight left traces of its shadow like a cloud over her compound. If not for the yellow light in her porch she had previously left on the evening before she was arrested, it would have been difficult for both her and Tony to make it to the door after the kind of day that they had.

The entire ride from Rafael's house was a long and quiet one, it was always a long journey from town anyway and Amy had seen enough for one day to want to retire in her bed.

She let out an weak sigh, it was the third one in fifteen seconds. It was almost as if she had forgotten that she wasn't alone, but who could blame her when she was still so lost in whatever it was she was thinking about.

"What is it?" She turned slowly to Tony, taking notice of his presence for the first time in fifteen seconds. She sighed.

"It's nothing." She said. "I was just thinking about Olivia and Rafael. It looks like nothing is working in their favor. I'm worried about them, especially my cousin."

"Mnn." Tony nodded his head.

"She and Grace, they always have to go through so much. I wonder when it's going to end, if it's ever going to end. And here I was, thinking the Silver's were the worst people she'd ever meet, I didn't know Sommadina was a whole episode."

Tony laughed.

"Come on, Aunty Sommadina isn't as bad as you think, she's definitely not as bad as the Silvers."

Amy scoffed.

"Excuse me," she turned to him. "Have you met that woman?"

Tony pursed his lip,

"She makes me really stressed, not going to lie." She went on. "I wonder what her deal is and why she won't just let them be happy. What mother wouldn't want her son to be with someone that makes him happy?"

"Aunty Sommadina is just doing what she feels is best for her family." Tony went on. "Her methods might be wrong and terrible but in the end, it's just her way of making sure her seemingly perfect family stays the way it is. You know, she got married to Randal at a really early age, and then she lost her father a few years after. She was an only child so she had no siblings or close ties with her relatives. Randal and the family they built together are all she has ever known."

Amy scoffed.

"That sounds like a lame excuse to want to put your child on a leash. I can't see why she won't open her eyes and see things for what they really are. How can she not see how much damage that delusional husband of hers has caused? I am honestly worried about Rafael, seems like he's the only normal person in that family."

He smiled.

"No mother should ever act the way she does, I mean, my mother would never," she turned to Tony, "would yours?"

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