Chapter 26

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"I can't believe how low they are willing to go

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"I can't believe how low they are willing to go."
Amy's irritation could be heard in her voice as she stood right behind Olivia as they made their way out of the courtroom. "Those people are really evil, how can they try to turn the story around like that? To make it seem like the accident was self inflicted, like your father was responsible for what happened."

Olivia let out a weak exhale, listening to all the things Amy said was even more exhausting and frustrating than the hours she had spent inside the room. She was trying so hard to forget what she had just heard and hearing Amy repeat the events to her all over again wasn't making things better.

But Amy was right. She might have underestimated how desperate and powerful Randal was to even twist the truth. She couldn't believe that they were suddenly trying to make the death of her parents into a common accident rather than murder. What happened the night with her parents wasn't a random accident, it was planned, Randal did it and she knew it, they all knew it.

"We can't keep stalling, at this rate, they are going to push their agenda of turning the case around to make Randal the victim." She could remember Victoria's words to her during the conversation they had while the break in the middle of trial went on. She could still remember how tensed they all were, especially Rafael as he paced around the room.

The situation they were in was a dire one and she knew how intense it was, how they all tried to find their way out of it.

"They are baiting us, baiting you into discrediting your confession. They are going to try to make the court believe that the accident didn't happen, that it wasn't murder, that none of this happened and in the end, we might be sued for defamation." Victoria scoffed. "They are going to make you pay for a crime that they committed. How low."

"P-pay? They can do that?"

Olivia remembered how she was extremely confused by the words Victoria had said. How was it possible? How were they going to make her into a liar just from questioning her? What happened to all the evidence that they had?

"I don't think they stand a chance if we use all evidence in our possession." Kingsley suggested. "We still have the tapes, we can use them-"

"We can't-" Victoria added. "We didn't turn the tapes in as evidence yet-"

"But we can do that before the next trial-"

"We can't turn the tapes in without also turning the truck in. They are interconnected."

"And we can't turn the truck in without Mrs Okonkwo being identified as a suspect in this case. It's in her name." Kingsley scoffed in disbelief. "He really calculated this well. It's all going to favor him in the end. Wow!"

Rafael stoped pacing. He turned to them immediately, raising his hands to his hips and leaving it there.

"Any words from our team in Lagos?" He wasn't asking any of them in particular but they both shook their heads.

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