
She found Bolin crying into his noodles. Several empty bowls were already stacked, and Pabu had joined him, licking the bowls.

She sat in the seat beside him wordlessly. At last, he looked up through a haze of tears.


She made a noncommittal noise. Khione racked her brain for something nice to say -that was what you did when someone was upset right?

"You'll get over her," She settled on at last, though not unkindly. Bolin sniffled hard, and shoved more noodles into his mouth. Had that been helpful?
Khione considered saying something else, but she also knew that Bolin probably wasn't in his right mind. He was a sensitive person; that had been the first thing she'd learnt about him, and she would probably take her words the wrong way.
She reached over and awkwardly patted his shoulder. He seemed surprised, then promptly burst into tears again.

This was going to be a long night.

Thankfully, Khione was used to being up at ungodly hours. Bolin had passed out after nine huge bowls of noodles, leaving her to pay for them. She figured it was the least she could do. 

The sun had started to rise by the time Mako strode into the store. He glanced at Khione, and immediately winced. The dark circles under her eyes looked like bruises, and she was inspecting her cane menacingly.

"Took you long enough," Her words were clipped, and she finally met his eyes, looking at him as if he were a dead man walking. She was pissed, and he seemed to get it, because he instantly raised his hands.

"I know, I'm sorry," He said weakly.

She held up a hand, glad to see him shut up immediately.

"Save your apologies for your brother."

His eyes darted over to the unconscious figure that was still slumped over the table.

"Come on, wake up. I'm taking you home bro." Mako put a hand against his brother's back, trying to wake him up.

"Don't call me that." Bolin sniffled. "You're not my brother. You're a brother betrayer! The only one I can trust is Pabu. And Khione." Bolin slurred, coughing.

Mako looked unimpressed. "You're a mess, and we've got the biggest game of our lives tonight. Let's go."

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you, you traitor." He pointed a finger at Mako, before slumping back.

"Guess we'll just have to do this the hard way." Mako sighed, rolling up his sleeve before attempting to wrestle him out of the seat, before throwing Bolin onto his back.

"I told you dating a teammate was a bad idea." Mako scowled, as Khione stretched, before standing up too. He went to hand Naruk some cash, but she stopped him with her cane.

"I already paid."

"Thank you," He said, ignoring as Bolin squirmed around, trying to break free.

She glared at him coldly.

"I didn't do it for you."

He gulped, before nodding. He turned to go, Bolin still wailing on his back.


He stopped dead in his tracks.

"She doesn't deserve you, you know that?" Khione's words were cruel, but she didn't care. She needed to let him know that she wasn't going to just let this go.

"Don't tell her about this, please. It was a mistake," He said pathetically.

"It was a mistake. One you're not going to make again. You either treat Asami as your girlfriend, or you break it off nicely. Understand? Otherwise, I'll kill you," Khione stepped closer, her face a blank slate. Mako nodded, stepping back in genuine fear.

"I really am sorry," Mako said.

Khione looked at him, then at his heartbroken brother.

"You'd better be."


"What a comeback, Korra. I've never seen a hat-trick like that," Asami said as she embraced Mako. Korra had been the team's saving grace, pulling off a knockout and securing their place in the finals. The two brothers had been more of a hindrance if anything; Mako had seemed incredibly distracted, and Bolin had thrown up in the arena almost immediately.

"Thanks, but if it hadn't been for you and your father, we wouldn't have had the chance to play. So, thank you." Korra replied graciously.

She turned to Khione, looking ashamed.

"I'm so sorry about last night... I made a stupid mistake," She apologised profusely.

"Apologise to Bolin, Korra," She said, though not unkindly. Then, she reached up to pat Korra's cheek, just to let her know that they were fine. Korra let out a sigh of relief.

"Uh, if everyone's done with the compliments, need some medical attention over here." Bolin said impatiently.

"Oh, let me help." Korra pressed her palms against Bolin's shoulder, causing him to yell in pain.

"Haven't you hurt me enough woman?" He exclaimed.

"Relax, I'm a healer. I learned from Katara, the best there is." She boasted, before bending some water around his shoulder, enveloping it in a familiar soft glow.

"Oh, that's the stuff," Bolin relaxed, sighing. 

"Bolin, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand."

"Ah, I'll be alright," Bolin said good naturedly. "Someone told me that I'll get over it," He glanced at Khione.

Korra shook her head, withholding a laugh. 

"Spirits, did she say that?"

"What? It's true," Khione said flatly, though the corners of her lips tugged into a smile.

Bolin smiled at her, and Korra gave her a fond look, before lapsing into comfortable silence.

"We had fun together, didn't we?"

"I had a great time, honestly. You are one of a kind, Bolin."

"Please, go on, I enjoy praise."

"Your winners, the Wolf Bats!" The commentator announced to the sound of the bells.

Khione's head snapped to the arena, where the Wolf Bats strutted around, basking in the applause.

"What? How is it over already?" Korra exclaimed, getting up to look over the railing.

Khione gestured to the answer, the other team being carried out on stretchers.

"I hope that the Ferrets know a good doctor, because they're gonna need one."

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