32 - A sight for sore eyes and ears

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Eden has consistently come in for Grayson’s classes three days a week for the last couple weeks, apparently enjoying them enough to organise an ongoing membership with my gym. I wasn’t around when she spoke with Calista to organise and pay for it after her trial period ended, having ducked out straight after class that day to go catch up with my parents for breakfast; but Grayson made sure to tell me that the deed was done and Eden was in for good.

I would have offered a discount if I was there. Or maybe even given it to her for free considering I feel like I’m the one who’s getting more out of this exchange than she is, even with Grayson and Calista never relenting in their teasing of me for how smitten I am because apparently I don’t hide it well. I didn’t need them spelling it out to convince me that the book that is the Tales of Eden-Infatuated Miles is as open and transparent as they come. Wolfe’s hawk-like watching of me whenever she’s around has made that abundantly clear.

I probably owe Grayson one---Wolfe too, to be fair---for both bringing her around in the first place, and for making sure she liked the classes enough to want to keep coming in.

She is completely absorbing. Lively, provocative, serene. She simply looks at me and my stomach starts training for aerial gymnastics or synchronised diving or something. I don’t think I’ve laughed so easily at and with another woman in my entire life. She fires pun after pun, one-liner after one-liner, at a rate that barely leaves me enough time to regain my ability to breathe again before she embarks on her next wisecrack at Wolfe, at Grayson, sometimes even at me if I’m lucky enough each morning. And I fucking love it.

Everything that I’ve learned about her so far, solid 11/10. Sense of humour, awesome. Sense of style, unique. Smile, heartstopper. Brains, a-plenty. Conversationalist, expert level. Loyalty to and adoration of her friends, fucking rock solid. Body, erection-inducing in under two seconds.

I haven’t found a single thing about her yet that has dropped her down a notch or two from the pedestal my infatuated brain, heart and dick has crafted for her so expertly in my mind.

Even after an hour’s intense workout, she looks incredible, and smells just as hot as she does when she arrives wearing some kind of racy perfume or hair product or something that flows through my nose and into every corner of my body, making me realise that I have seriously underestimated the power of smell in all my previous sexual encounters.

The only thing I can think of that isn’t great about her is that she is dating dudes who aren’t me. I can hear her and Wolfe talking about it sometimes as she downloads him with the details of her most recent date, or date fails as most of them sound like; and I hate myself for it, but I’m genuinely glad they’re all awful. I don’t know how my ego would cope with her actually finding someone decent when I haven’t yet figured out how to overcome the Wolfe obstacle inherent in my current situation with Eden.

There’s no way she isn’t into me, or doesn’t think I’m alright looking at least. I catch her looking at me as often as I’m sure she catches me doing the same to her. Wolfe has noticed too, and, while still being his usual warm self, he is hyper alert to me saying anything about Eden, talking to Eden, looking at Eden and even just being near Eden, and will steer almost any conversation with or about her in the complete opposite direction so I never have a clear opening to ask him whether he thinks she’d be keen to go out.

Then again, in the very next breath, he’s back to his usual self and we’re back to our usual selves, laughing and chatting about everything like normal. I don’t really get what’s happening. It’s like Eden has made him kind of crazy, but in a completely different way to how nuts she’s made me.

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