16 - What better way to spend her time than making use of my gym equipment

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I've seen Eden four times since she moved.

Always walking a small, black border collie puppy, and, sadly, always while I'm busy and/or running late for something without any time to spare to stop.

On my way to work, and I see her and her puppy out running with Wolfe and Medusa before the sun has even risen, Eden looking none too impressed if my passing stare at her is anything to go by.

On my way to visit my grandmother at the nursing home, and I see her standing out the front of Moonlight chatting and laughing away with Heath and one of the other younger women who works there who I don’t know too well.

On my way to a mate’s place to watch the surfing, and she’s sitting in her car next to mine at the traffic lights, with her puppy’s head hanging out the window and tongue lolling out of his mouth as much as Echo’s does.

On my way to have dinner with my parents, and she’s walking literally at the end of my street with her puppy.

I’m trying not to get too excited that she might live near me. But I just can’t help it. She seems to just always be around like some destined dream woman I didn’t even have the imaginative capacity to think up independently until she was laughing right near me.

She draws the ears. She draws the eyes. She probably even draws a couple heartstrings and primitive hormones too. And I can’t seem to look away. Even in my mind’s eye, it seems to only be Eden that I see nowadays.

Wolfe returned from his trip down south and back to help Eden move, and is being suspiciously quiet on any and all matters relating to her. He’s the brightest I’ve seen him since he broke the news to me that Luna was pregnant and they were engaged, but he hasn’t brought her up once. Not even voiced her name in all the hours we’ve spent in classes together partnered up together over the past couple weeks, and we talk non-stop. There’s been plenty of opportunities and an abundance of time in which he could have.

I hoped he might mention in passing how the trip down and drive back up was, or how she's settling back in, or at least how happy Luna is with her being here; but maybe he's onto my interest in her and so is keeping things very tight lipped, or maybe he simply doesn’t trust me with any information about her seeing as he’s already familiar with my bachelor ways in the past. Maybe both at the same time. Either way, I’ve been too chickenshit to bring her up directly for fear of making it obvious that I want to know more about her.

It makes me hope that their kid isn't a girl because I might have be completely on the money about how overprotective he would be if he had a daughter. Saying that, I'm sure Luna would beat that out of him soon enough. It is her natural way, after all.

The closest way I've been able to theorise an opportunity for an introduction with Eden is to give Wolfe a voucher for a free week's membership at the gym to pass on to her as a welcome back to Byron Bay.

People renewing fitness goals after a break up is common. Channel all that downheartedness into something positive. Sweat out all the residual sadness and tears about the loss. Reinvent yourself. Remember that you’re sexy and strong and worthy of love again. Try again. Hope for a better outcome next time around. And repeat the cycle and try again to remain hopeful the time after that if that one doesn’t work out.

I've been there. Admittedly not for a while, by my own design. But still, I get it. She might not have work yet seeing as she just moved and I’m presuming it wasn’t necessarily a completely planned return to Byron. What better way to spend her time than making use of my gym equipment, pun totally not intentional, but I'll own it as if it was and wish someone else was around to have witnessed the comedy show occurring in my brain because that might have been the best joke I will ever make in my entire life.

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