20 - Let her down easy, heartbreaker

Start from the beginning

"Tate?” I confirmed with him, having spoken to him about a few of the women I’d hooked up with over the last few months. All of them mutually casual and non-committal arrangements, which is all I’ve wanted. Or all I’ve said I’ve wanted at least. “I'm getting the clear, unavoidable impression of late that she'd like to be, but it was never really like that. Just a few, very clear from the outset and agreed to by both sides, friends with benefits type hook ups that I think I'm starting to regret. I don't want to hurt her, but I'm not interested in her the way I'm starting to think she is me."

"The curse of being such a handsome lad," Wolfe joked, stopping to acknowledge and say hi to Calista walking by, looking much more settled and herself again than she has in a while since that sexually harassing gutter rat was banished from my gym. "Let her down easy, heartbreaker."

I laughed, mostly because I imagine he's broken his fair share of hearts along the way before he found Luna, being an arguably attractive guy himself and a not at all unconfident one at that. "I'm definitely working on it."

I just don't know how to effectively communicate with Tate that I'm not wanting to revisit our little arrangement in a way that doesn't hurt her. That's the last thing I want to do, but it's feeling more like an inevitability as time goes on.

“You got any tips?” I asked sincerely. Break ups feel like shit, and I hate going through them. Even more so when I have to be the one to do the breaking, and when it's within a long-held friendship that I have no choice but to make some big and maybe hurtful changes for both our sakes.

“On how to break sex things off with a friend?” Wolfe said in a tone that already had me knowing the answer. “Thankfully I’ve never been stupid and/or horny enough to walk into that minefield of a scenario unlike you, mate.”

“You’re a great help, Wolfey,” I said while he howled away thinking he was hilarious. “Thanks.”

“Oh, come on. You can’t blame me for taking the piss. Your situation is like my literal nightmare.”

“It’s fast becoming mine, too. Trust me,” I said seriously, wishing this wasn’t something I had to deal with and feeling jealous of Wolfe’s good fortune in finding Luna and so never having to deal with these feelings again.

“Miles,” he said, hand on shoulder. “You’re one of the best men I know, and I trust you can deal with this without my advice. But, from experience, women appreciate honesty, even if it hurts to hear as much as it hurts you to say it. Just tell her outright if it’s not working for you any more. If you’re mates like you say you are, she’ll come around eventually after the hurt subsides. And if not, you’ve done the right thing in being honest, and at least you can reflect back on both your friendship and brief period of boning knowing you did the right thing.”

He guffawed as he squeezed my shoulder before letting it go and looked up at the clock mounted on the wall. "Alright, Romeo, on that note I should probably call it a day. My mate, Eden, is on an insane home reno kick this week now shes found her own place here, and is refusing my help, despite me actually having skills in this area that could be useful to her. But I'd feel better being there to watch and make sure she doesn't stick a nail through her hand or drill a hole in her face or something." He shook his head disapprovingly, but with a smile that actually told me he was quite proud of her labouring endeavours. "Lune would never forgive me."

"Mate, you've got self-sufficient, determined women coming out of your ears by the sounds of it," I laughed, because if Eden is anything like Luna, which is the impression I'm getting from the little bits I’ve heard about her, I wish I could witness the dynamic of the three of them together. I'm sure it would bring endless entertainment.

"And they never let me forget it," Wolfe rolled his eyes, though his tone only indicates the pride he feels in them both. Eden clearly means a lot to him. He took off his gloves, packing them into his bag and grabbing his water bottle for a drink. "What are your plans for New Year's?" he said, beginning his stretch down.

I deadpanned for a second, because if the answer to this question leads to an offer to spend the evening with him and his friends, including Eden, a shyness I've never known is about to swallow me whole. But when my brain caught up with me, I remembered that I had already committed to chilling at Tate’s house with our friends before heading down to the beach to watch the fireworks, and I'm regretting it hard because I'm not one to cancel on plans with my mates, even if it might mean meeting and actually hanging out with Eden.

"Just chilling at Tate’s with a bunch of mates. A few drinks,” I answered, watching as Wolfe looked at me dubiously, no doubt thinking I’m walking into an alcohol-fuelled trap with Tate like I am. “Think we're heading down to the beach towards midnight for the fireworks," I said, potentially regretting my loyalty to my friends and not wanting to be that person to ditch them if I got a better offer, which something big within me is already telling me Eden would be. "You?"

"Just a quiet one with Lune, Edes, Nella and Mase at our place," Wolfe said, picking up his gym bag in preparation to leave. "I'd be surprised if either Luna or Eden make it to midnight, to be honest. Eden's been making the most of work closing for the summer holidays, and won’t stop on her home improvements from dawn to well into the late evening. Total mad woman."

"Honestly, I admire that," I said out loud, not realising until Wolfe looked at me curiously. "She's clearly got a vision she's working towards, wants it done ASAP, and isn't letting anything get in her way. It's impressive." I remember what that felt like well enough when I signed the lease on this place. I did most of the work myself too, with the helpful guidance and advice from my tradesman friends and PT clients, working sometimes all night before I realised how late it had gotten and therefore forgoing a lot of needed sleep in my desperation and desire to get it all finished and start operating sooner than later.

Wolfe nodded in what I think was agreement. He knows what it’s like to build something from scratch, selling off his old house in Brisbane where he used to live years ago to fund the start up for his own bricklaying business this time last year, solidifying both his formal move to Byron Bay and his commitment to being with Luna.

"Oh, I am too," Wolfe said. "But it wouldn't kill her to let me or Mase help, or to actually get some proper sleep so she doesn't look like an extra on The Walking Dead or whatever the latest zombie show is."

"I'm sure she still looks gorgeous," I said, again unthinkingly, and no doubt raising a few alarms with Wolfe who narrowed his eyes on me ever-so-slightly. "Anyways, hope you guys have a great night, Wolfey and I'll catch you in the new year."

Fuck, I'm pathetic. 

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