"Triple Threat Triad? I beat up some of those yahoos when I got into town. Why would Bolin get tangled up with-"

Naga roared, suddenly speeding up in pursuit of something.

"Woah, Naga!"

Naga kept on chasing a small, darting shadow until it skittered up at lamppost, chittering indignantly.

"That's Pabu!" Mako exclaimed.

"No, Naga! Pabu's a friend, not a snack." Korra told Naga, trying to control the reins.

Pabu scurried down, touching Naga's nose for a second, before nimbly scurried to climb on Mako's shoulder.

"We gotta hurry."

Korra urged Naga back into a sprint, ignoring Khione's arms as they dug further into her sides. At last, Naga slowed down in front of a dimly lit building. All three dismounted quietly.

"Something's not right. There are usually thugs posted out front. We'd better be cautious." Mako warned, quietly running to the door and peeking through the window. He waved Korra and Khione forward, who both strode forward, unimpressed. Korra kicked the door open easily, and they entered the headquarters.

Korra surveyed the room, planting her hands on her hips, watching as Khione rested her hands on a water pouch.

"Bolin? You in here?" Mako called out.

The sudden revving of motorcycles rumbled through the uneasy quiet, and Mako sprinted for the side exit, running onto the street.


Several masked individuals sat on motorcycles, stationed around an armoured truck. Khione's eyes narrowed, just making out Bolin amongst the hostages before the door was slammed shut. Their eyes met for a brief moment, and she could see the fear behind them. Just like a puppy.

"Bolin!" Mako yelled.

They sprinted after the truck, but two of the masked people threw small round objects at them. Smoke bombs. They hit the ground and a foul green gas burst from them, obscuring their vision.

Khione coughed, gagging as it stuck in her lungs and stung her eyes.

"Naga, come!" Korra cried, from somewhere in the smoky haze. She leapt onto Naga, hauling Khione after her. Mako jumped on immediately.


They raced after the truck, and Khione gritted her teeth as the uneven movements jostled her leg, sending shaking spikes of pain shooting through her knee. She held onto the saddle this time, allowing Korra to use her arms for her earthbending. 

The streets opened up into a deserted square, and three of the motorcyclists screeched to a stop. Before any of them could blink, a bola had wrapped itself around Naga's legs, sending her crashing to the ground. Khione was flung to the ground, wrenching pain shooting up her right leg as she landed awkwardly.

Starbursts danced across her vision as she forced herself to stand. One of the masked men faced her, gracefully flipping. Khione opened her pouch, allowing the water to surround her in a disc. The man charged, his movements like an acrobat's. She lashed out, but her movements were uneasy, like a newborn stork wobbling on its legs, and the man leapt over them, darting forward.

He dropped low, jabbing his fingers at her knee, and then at her right arm. Khione cried out as her leg buckled from under her, forcing her to one knee.

Chi-blockers. She could feel her control over the water thin, like a dam built over a roaring river.

Anger surged in her, and she raised her arms, a thin blade of water forming, and she struck again, cutting a deep gash in his arm. Behind her, she heard Korra cry out. Her attacker ran at her, kicking her hard in the stomach. She was thrown backwards, landing on the hard cobblestones. Korra and Mako lay on the ground before her, helpless.

All three chi-blockers advanced, readying their bolas. Khione staggered to her feet, gathering the last of her water, just as Naga broke free, leaping forward to defend them, snarling.

The chi-blockers glanced at each other and then at Khione, who had murder in her eyes.

They jumped back, throwing another smoke bomb to obscure their exit.

Khione staggered back, half collapsing as the pain from her leg suddenly became too much to bear. Korra rushed forward, helping ease her to the ground.

"Are you okay?"

Khione managed a tight smile.

Korra looked worried, but let it go, punching the air.

"I can't bend!" Korra gasped, the panic clear in her voice when no fire plumed from her fist.

"They were chi-blockers Korra. It'll wear off soon," Khione said indifferently, gingerly tightening her brace.

"They're Amon's followers," Mako added gruffly, flexing his fingers.

"That anti-bending guy with the mask?"

"Yeah, he's the leader of the Equalists."

"What do they want with the Triple Threats?" Korra questioned curiously.

"Whatever it is, it can't be good. Ugh, I can't believe Bolin got himself into this mess." Mako stressed, running a hand down his face.

"Mako." Korra said softly, placing her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"We are going to help you save your brother. I promise you that."

a/n: i wasn't sure whether or not i should add in other characters' povs, but i actually quite liked writing how other people see Khione! did you guys like the switching povs?

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