I spot Brody in the corner straight away, his eyes travelling up and down two girls bodies as they take residence on his lap wearing only crop tops and leather shorts.

I used to remember thinking I was some sort of God when they used to do that to me, like their attention to me reaffirmed my importance. Now I realise that it just makes us shitty human beings; relishing something so shallow.

I walk straight up to Brody without hesitation. He spots me at the last minute and his eyes go as wide as the large tables in front of him that showcase every damn drug we deal in this damn place.

    "Hey buddy," Brody says gingerly, quick to push the girls off of his lap. "I think we need to t—"

No time for that. No need.


I punch him straight in the face, his body plummeting to the hard floor below. I know I shouldn't but I actually gain some satisfaction at the sight of blood dripping from his nose and the side of his lip.

I can be a violent person if I really need to. But I don't like to. The last time I did was with Mia's piece of work ex, and quite frankly that twat deserved everything he got.

See? I dealt with her psycho ex. Why can't she deal with mine?

Brody stands and rubs his face. "Grayson," he groans. "Fuck man let's just talk this out."

I grab the collar of his sweater and slam him against the concrete wall that's lined with awful graffiti. "How could you fucking do that to me huh?" My lips spit saliva with each angered work I speak. "How the fuck could you go after Mia like that? You should have fucking told me she was in a bad way!" On the last word I shove him into the wall again and he groans louder now.

The rest of the room is watching us, but fights in this place are common and so not many people are taking too much notice.

     "You're meant to be my friend," I hiss in just over a whisper. "A brother."

Brody's eyebrows pull down to his eyes like a magnetic force is bringing them down. "Fuck you Cooper," he grunts, spitting blood remnants from his lip. "You're the one who didn't fight for her. You saw that fucking photo that Delilah took and you didn't even fight for Mia after that. You're just as much as a fuck up as I am!"

     "Don't fucking compare me to you after what you did. You drugged and nearly had sex with my girlfriend!" I grip the material of his t-shirt so tight that my balled up fists are turning red.

How dare he imply that I did just as wrong as he did. How dare he throw that photo in my face.

Brody pushes me but he doesn't make much of a movement. He may stand at approximately the same height as me but strength wise, he falls short.

     "Anyway," Brody spits. "As far as I was concerned you were over. Mia didn't want anything to do with you and she specifically told you not to follow her. To me, she was fair game. And hell I like the girl a little too."

I slam him into the wall again, and his eyes press together with pain. "Carry on Brody and I'll kill you right now."

He groans and grunts a little, then opens his eyes before saying, "Come on Grayson, we both know it. Your relationship was doomed from the start. You think you can be with someone so pure and innocent when you operate in a dark world like ours? Be honest, it was over before it even began. And you fucking know it Cooper. Mia's had a lucky escape from both of us."

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