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It is getting only worse. Each one present at their table knows that very well. While three of them find it too overwhelming and upsetting it certainly wasn't the case with others.

They just wanted to get rid of this awkward tension among them. After the last fight between Tae and Jin and the former left followed by Jimin, the rest has tried to reason with Jin saying he need not intervene in the younger boys' relationship even though it feels like there is a need for it.

Because in addition to thinking that it's inappropriate for them to meddle, they also have got a clear warning from Jungkook to stay out of it.

But unfortunately Jin was honestly not moved by whatever they tried to make him understand and even Yoongi has lost his cool trying to make the point clear.

But Namjoon has finally put a full stop to the seemingly worthless argument saying he'll make Jin understand things before it goes out of hand.

And they really did think that the boy would keep his promise because they honestly trusted him on this. And moreover as Jin's boyfriend he also has the enough chances and time to make it possible.

But now sitting around the usual table in the cafeteria looking between the two boys who seem to be not so fond of each other's presence still, and the tension building up with no sign of dissolving any time sooner, they could tell that Namjoon wasn't really successful in his attempts.

And the boy let out a sigh after seeing the disappointed looks sent in his way by both Yoongi and Hoseok while Jimin and Tae weren't really aware of what's happening among them right now.

And by the furious look on Jin's face as he stared back at Tae who only had an unamused look, they could say that things are not going to end up peaceful today.

Jimin looked at his soulmate silently asking him what's going on. But the other just gave him a weak smile, shrugging his shoulders. And Jimin could only sigh at that but while it was clearly invisible for the rest he could clearly see that something is definitely wrong with Tae.

But Tae realizing Jimin's gaze on him only looked away while biting his lips and Jimin frowned, his senses alerted.

But he was soon interrupted by a scoff which he knew was from Jin and it also did earn the attention of the brunette also whose expression hardened instantly. Jimin tightened his grip on his cup, sighing as his eyes shifted between the two boys. And he was honestly stuck not knowing what to do.

And just when they were sure that it's all leading to another useless argument between the two boys, they were blessed with another presence at the table who took his seat beside Namjoon, nearly shocking the boys.

Jungkook looked up instantly, hearing the faint voices of surprise. " Is something wrong?" he asked, looking around.

" No, it's alright", Namjoon tried to assure him while shooting a glare at his boyfriend who rolled his eyes before looking away and Tae took out his mobile, deciding to put his concentration there instead of what's happening around the table.

Jungkook nodded, a skeptical look still plastered on his face and then his gaze shifted to Tae who was already engrossed in his phone. He let out a tiny sigh before looking away. But the calm atmosphere of the table was soon disrupted by another interruption.

" Hey", a voice chirped, making the boys whip their heads towards the intruder.

It was Hayun and they couldn't help but groan making her look at her friend in confusion.

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