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" I can't believe how much time has passed since our confession", Jin chuckled as he looked at his boyfriend fondly.

Hoseok smiled at them while the fourth one at the table just rolled his eyes.

He was looking around the room as he tapped his fingers on the table absentmindedly. 

" Hey, why are you so grumpy?" Namjoon who has been eyeing his impatient expression for a while decided to enquire.

" Why are you even asking?" His boyfriend asked with a smile. " He is always like that when Tae is not around!"

" Oh right!" Hoseok nodded, realising. " Where is he by the way?"

Jungkook passed him an unimpressed look. " Focus on your food instead of my baby!"

       Hoseok looked at him dumbfounded, clearly confused by the younger's words. While Jin chuckled loudly making the three turned to him.

" Why are you laughing now?" Jungkook hissed.

" Jungkook!" Namjoon called, his tone stern.

     The maknae groaned loudly before looking away but his eyes widened at the sight of a familiar one making the way to the table.

" Where is Tae?"Jungkook asked as soon as Jimin reached them along with Yoongi.

Jimin chuckled. " Gone to be a hero again", he said.
" I told him to stop getting involved with these dramas between all those stupid girls and their way to having fun. But he still refuses to listen", he sighed softly before taking a seat at the table.

" I'm already tired sitting through the boring ass lectures. I just wanted to get something in my poor tummy. But that idiot just wouldn't understand. So we left him there", he said, supporting his face in his palms.

Jin smiled softly. " Tae is really doing something good. Instead of supporting you are just being a stupid!!"

Jimin shakes his head. " They wouldn't stop even if he tells them to stop with all this bullying and targeting. Then why is he wasting his time on all these?"

Yoongi smiles at his boyfriend. " Stop worrying Jimin, I'll get you the food", he said before leaving their table at the counter.

And Jimin let out another loud sigh.

Jungkook stood up pushing away his tray. 

" I'm going to get Tae", he declared.

" Just sit there Jungkook", Jin stopped him though before he could go in search of his best friend who hasn't shown up till now.

" He would be fine", he said.

Jungkook scoffed. " What if he gets into some kind of trouble?", he asked sceptically. His eyes fixed on the entrance hoping to see the boy making his way in. But he was only hoping.

Jin smiled. " Tae's not a small kid. He knows how to handle things. He is able to defend himself even if something happens", he assured and Jungkook nodded, yet unconvinced.

" What were you discussing anyways?" Jimin asked as he made himself comfortable in his seat.

" We were talking about our confession!!" Jin said with a wide smile.

" Oh? That one?" Jimin chuckled. " God! I wish I was there too!"

" For what?" Jungkook smirked. " To repeat the stupid stunt later with your boyfriend?"

Jimin gave him a stink eye. " Go away!" he muttered. " Ours is entirely different!"

" I can't believe you put so much effort into getting into this university just for Yoongi!!" Hoseok smiled. " I wish that silly girl of mine did something like that too!"

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