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    Tae was never fond of Yoongi. It was not something that the two lovers were unaware of. 

     But while Yoongi ignored it, not wanting to dwell on it more, Jimin was quick to store that piece of information that he used well in the future even though it gave him no results that he was expecting to gain.

    Tae really doesn't hate Yoongi but he didn't like him either. He was just trying to find reasons to hate the boy who he saw as someone who snatched Jimin away from him. But if only he knew how wrong he was.

    But he was sure that the reasons for him forming a dislike for the boy were not unreasonable at all. 

     Tae has always has the feelings that it was because of Yoongi that Jimin left him alone and went to Busan but he never tried to confirm it by confronting either of the two boys but kept the notion etched in his mind since then making him see Yoongi always as a person who never meant good for him.

    And he has seen Yoongi for the first time in the university cafeteria on the day their group has come together for the first time to say around a table and the reputation that was already building up about Yoongi made him skeptical about his motives for being with Jimin who in his opinion was an angel too naive and pure.

     He was sure that he judged him too fast after days had passed and he saw with his own eyes how good Yoongi was treating him all along.

     But the way Jimin kept on saying things about his boyfriend as if he was not someone who you could trust or rely on made Tae think about his dad, who was neglecting his mom throughout their married life. 

      And later it was known that he was seeing other people behind her. But he has already started suspecting his own impression of the boy when he realized that he was not right about the situation.

     Yoongi is not as toxic as Jimin calls him to be. He was just someone who was outgoing and friendly, making it difficult for his boyfriend who was never fond of being ignored by the ones he cared about.

     And that made him do something that he shouldn't have done to the person who loves him unconditionally even while doubting whether his love is requited. 

    And Yoongi was not aware of, at least in the beginning, the way his boyfriend always goes on exaggerating everything he does somehow purposefully picturing him in a bad light in front of his soulmate who was never fond of him just because he wants to make sure that he gets Tae's support no matter how unreasonable he is at times.

     He was exaggerating most of the things and he was feeling bad about it at the beginning. But while he failed to convince Tae with his lies, what he didn't expect was for him to start believing the lies he formed by himself. 

    And no sooner he saw himself hating his own boyfriend without any reasonable claims. Yoongi's attempts to gain him back without knowing what's going on in his boyfriend's head by trying to make him jealous messed up the plot which was already bound to find its end because of how  it was formed.

     But while Jimin was getting too caught up in his own lies, Tae was able to see through him. And sooner he understands that he was being misled by his soulmate all along just because he was not receiving the attention he wanted even though it was not from Yoongi.

      He could understand how much Yoongi loves Jimin even though he couldn't make much time for Jimin but there were a lot of misunderstandings and secrets in their relationship which was only because of the lack of a proper conversation between the two dumber boys.

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