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         Jimin groaned as he walked into the hallway of the university which was supposed to lead him to his next lecture, probably the one after the two he has missed already. 

      The place was empty, not a single soul in sight. Well, what should he expect when he is majestically late to the class.

       He wasn't actually late, but he just decided not to attend the classes. He has so much in mind now and being a diligent pupil wasn't in his best interest for the moment.

      ..He's been extra moody these days, to the point he has been ignoring his lovely soulmate this week. But he doesn't care what Tae would think. Because staying with the boy may change his mind and he may need to do this until he gets what he wants.

        And of course, the results are already showing up and that was making him feel a little better. But he couldn't say that he is satisfied with this already. 

       There is more he wants to see before he is satisfied and does the thing that he wanted to do so badly for the last few months.


    Min Yoongi has been a constant topic in all the gossip circles in the university this week. Of course, this wasn't anything new. After all, the hot captain of the basketball team deserves this recognition and praise. Right?

      Except that wasn't what has been happening and if anything they are all mad at the boy for his selfishness. Of course, how could he be spared after they all know how much he's hurting his boyfriend by hanging out with all the sluts in the university?

     Jimin let out a throaty chuckle as he recalled the times he has heard them talking about how much of a self centered person Yoongi was for acting like this.

     And Jimin wasn't the least bothered even when he heard them calling him names. After all, his boyfriend deserves all this and much more for treating Jimin the way he did when all he had done was to love him so much to the point he has been forgetting that there are things that need his attention other than Yoongi.

          And Yoongi surely deserves all the hate he has been receiving even though no one is actually courageous enough to show their resentment to his face. That boy really got some influence on the student population of the university who are nothing but cowards for not daring enough to raise their voice against the boy.

        Maybe their fear can be justified because who wouldn't be reluctant to go against someone whose father is actually a member of the board of directors of the university. And going against the Min heir is just like asking for your own destruction. 

      But still at least not everyone has to be scared of that cheater. Right?

      And that is the reason why Jimin hasn't been sitting with his friends for lunch this week.

        After all, how could he be chill about it when he knows that none of his friends did anything to support him and question Yoongi for what he did.

     Shouldn't they be feeling sorry for Jimin for having to go through something that he doesn't deserve? 

       Well, it seems like they are not really as righteous as he thought. Maybe it's because they didn't think about the need for it because after all, they are more closer with Yoongi than with him.

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