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" So any news about Tae?" Jin asked Namjoon as soon as the said boy settled down on their lunch table. 

" You have been trying hard since yesterday", Jin continued, yawning. 

     He let out a tired sigh as he waited for his boyfriend to tell them something who was now looking at his mobile before gesturing to him not to interrupt.

     Jin huffed, irritated by it. He knew that it's not like that his boyfriend is ignoring him. But he couldn't help it when the anxiety growing up inside him wouldn't go away.

      Namjoon is just trying his best to find out Tae's whereabouts even though all his efforts seem to have been getting results. 

      And Jin was feeling really worried because he had seen how the boy had been on call after call without getting any sleep and now to know there wasn't any news of the brunette it was really upsetting.

       And then Namjoon looked up, a disappointed look on his face that made his boyfriend to mirror the same look as well, letting out a sigh.

Namjoon shakes his head, sighing.

 " Nothing", he said, answering the question he was asked earlier. 

" I have even contacted the police this morning and they said they are going to trace his car from Friday night", he said, sighing. " I hope at least that helps!!"

Hoseok shot him a worried look. " I just hope what we get is not something sad", he said not noticing how the maknae clenched his jaw at it.

 " I really hope that idiot didn't do anything stupid because of the rejection", he sighed softly but yelped when Jin elbowed him pretty strong.

        He bit his lips, widening his eyes, realizing what he had done. But the ravenette has already gone back to his gloomy state which he has been constantly in these days.

" Don't be so insensitive", Jin murmured to Hoseok who only nodded his head, ashamed of being so careless.

     And they were honestly getting worried about their maknaes. One has gone missing without any traces for days and one has gone to a state turning one eighty degree from his usual cheerful state. And that was making them all worried.

     The younger has eyebags clearly visible making it known to his hyungs what he has been doing these nights. And his pale, tired look has been making them even more concerned.

        But the tense atmosphere was interrupted by the ding sound coming from Jimin's mobile and the boys ignored it after glancing at him for once.

" Yoongi is asking me if Jungkook is here", Jimin said suddenly. " Why is this idiot even asking me that?"

      He was mumbling those words to himself while typing back his reply. But it has already gotten the attention of the rest of boys.

" Where else will he go during lunch hour?" Jin asked, getting confused and the others nodded along.

        And what they didn't notice was how the younger's tired expression was replaced with a frown upon hearing the conversation going on. And he looked at the entrance of the cafeteria as if waiting for someone to walk in.

      And he became more stiff as soon as he saw Yoongi walking in, making his way towards the table. And he could say that he saw the other nearly flinching when they locked eyes with each other.

       Jungkook kept his gaze intact making Yoongi to gulp and look away in a hurry and he ignored the stern gaze fixed on him even after he reached their table and took his seat near Jungkook since it's been the only available one.

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