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        He let out another sigh as he tried to concentrate on what the professor was saying, but he couldn't. Because he was not in the mind for this.

       It's not because the class was conducted on a Saturday or it's not because of the headache that has been bothering him because of the Hangover from yesterday. 

       He didn't drink much from the party but he did drink a lot after he reached the dorms yesterday night because nothing else could have helped him to sleep after everything that has happened and the anxiety that has been eating him up.

       The professor too seems to be in a bad mood, why wouldn't he? Because the lecture hall contains less than twenty students when it was supposed to be packed up with a minimum number of sixty. 

      And still it's not a surprise because everyone knows how dedicated Mr. Lee is towards his class and he did care a lot about his students. 

      And the fact, the students decided to skip such an important lecture when the exams are already around the corner is also seemingly pissing him off.

       Jungkook let out another sigh. He doesn't know what the professor is even talking about now and he is going to be screwed if the professor decides to ask questions like he always did. 

       He knows most of the students are still at the dorms or in the cafeteria. And he already got the message from Jin earlier asking if he is planning to drop by the cafeteria since the rest of the gang has already been camping there since the morning. 

    And today it seems it's the cafeteria that is being packed up rather than the class rooms. 

       But still they couldn't still blame the students because the announcement of the class being conducted today only came just yesterday evening and so most of the students missed it resulting in them going for partying as usual since no one prefer to stay at the dorms instead of going out in a Friday night when the chances for getting to go to clubs in the coming weeks is not likely because of the upcoming exams.

      But still there are a lot who despite knowing of the classes still went ahead with their plans but none of the seven boys were aware of this. Jungkook only got to know about it when he went back to his dorm and met Bambam and Yugeyom cuddled together on their couch. 

     And yes, even after knowing that he shouldn't, he went ahead to get himself wasted because he was not sure if he could deal with the pain surging up if he didn't have some alcohol in his system.

       And he wouldn't even think of attending the class if it wasn't for his Dad. He could manage to drag himself through the lectures even when he is getting fucked up with this annoying headache. 

       But he is not ready to have an audience with his controlling freak of a father. It's simply something he loathes and he doesn't want to go through.

      And he is somewhat scared even of meeting his father. Because what if he made himself exposed to his father who wouldn't be happy if he gets to know what his son has been plotting behind him.

       He stared at the white board boredly. The professor was explaining something really important. But he was not in the mood to listen or take down notes like his classmates. Because his mind was preoccupied with something even more important. Or precisely the events from last night.

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