Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

    The three captains were happy here, while Fei Yan and Gao Zhouzhou on the other side ignored each other. The two of them had not liked each other since the last time they met. In addition, Gao Zhouzhou was busy staring at Jiang Shuiyun. Even the superficial skills are too lazy to do it.

    "Teachers, let's prepare first, shall we?"

    Soon someone from the program team came over to make arrangements.

    Since they are here, they have to cooperate with others. Even Fei Yan and Gao Zhouzhou are acting in a friendly and friendly manner.

    After the process script is fully communicated, the preparation for recording begins.

    In front of the camera, a group of people seemed extremely harmonious. The four hosts had been hosting for many years, and there was no problem in controlling all the processes. At the beginning, Fei Yan and Gao Zhouzhou sang the game theme song of "Star Wars" together. After chatting with the host, followed by the appearance and introduction of the three captains.

    "Welcome to the captain of our chasing wave team! Captain Feng Jue of the Feng Jue team! Captain Jiang Bai of the miracle team!"

    After greeting, a brief introduction and publicity, the host announced the start of the game after a simple foreshadowing. , "Today is our "Star Wars" theme, we also divided into several teams to compete, and the one with the highest cumulative score in several rounds is the winner, "Star Wars", the winner is king!"

    The rule of the team is Jiang Shuiyun, Feng Jue, and Zhu Lang are still the captain, and a host has been added, so they are divided into four teams, and their players are selected by lottery. The team members are Fei Yan and Gao Zhouzhou, and there are two other hosts.

    In the end, there was no suspense. Jiang Shuiyun and Gao Zhouzhou were on the team, Feng Jue and Fei Yan were on the team, Zhulang and a host were on the team, and the remaining two hosts were on the team.

    The detachment is over, enter, "Space Weightlessness".

    After all, the "Star Wars" background is in space, and the first space test is normal.

    Taking advantage of the time to set up the scene, everyone changed into the sportswear prepared by the program team. Jiang Shuiyun and Gao Zhouzhou sat on the side, Jiang Shuiyun was watching the rules of the game, and Gao Zhouzhou was staring at Jiang Shuiyun.

    "Don't you read the rules of the game?"

    Jiang Shuiyun blocked Gao Zhouzhou's eyes with a card. No one could turn a blind eye after staring at him for so long.

    Gao Zhouzhou took the game rule card in Jiang Shuiyun's hand and glanced at it, "I've played such a simple game many times, it's a weightless cabin, all floated inside, follow the instructions to score goals or drink water or You still need to look at the rules for transporting things or something?"


    Jiang Shuiyun replied and looked away, hoping that Gao Zhouzhou would say the same as her, and it would be easy for him to play this game.

    After the scene is arranged, it is indeed the most popular national variety show. It is very willing to invest in terms of cost. A large space simulation cabin is built. After everyone enters it, it directly floats up, just like in space.

    Several other guests were very surprised. They had already started playing when the host reminded the rules of the game. It's easy to turn their heads down, but it's a little difficult to reverse it again.

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