Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    Jiang Shuiyun's words made several people look at each other unsurely. This is too conceited. When playing this game, everyone basically has their own preferences. Even if they can play in all positions, they can be proficient, but It would be a bit over the top to say that every position can challenge what pros like them do best.

    Although Team Miracle's performance has been sluggish after the retiring of the captain's sword, most of the reason is because they lost the backbone of the team in this kind of team battle game, and they inherited a piece of loose sand, which does not mean that their personal level is really poor. to the third-rate level.

    "We have studied your style of play. You are generally good at long-range output, or striker, and you can control the field. If we don't bully people, how about these three?"

    Viper sat on a chair, turning his hands. The shaggy hair tie and the big, round almond eyes carry the confidence that he will win.

    Jiang Shuiyun first turned on the computer in front of him, moved his fingers a little, and answered the snake's words.

    "I chose these three positions only because when there is no teamwork, this output position is easier to play. Thank you for your understanding, but you can play as you agreed. Which one will come first?"

    Jiang Shuiyun's words have already been Having said that, the members of the Miracle Team looked at each other and didn't waste any more time. The Slaughter Apostle first sat next to Jiang Shuiyun and turned on the computer, the meaning is self-evident.

    Without talking nonsense, log in to the game and open the skill heads-up mode, which is to skip the process of developing the economy directly. Both sides are stable at the same economic level, and there is no terrain change, and directly compare the operation skills face to face.

    Slaughter Apostle came up and chose the meat shield that he has always been best at, and adjusted the equipment bar first.

    Jiang Shuiyun also chose the meat shield, and the two sides were ready to enter the game.

    In terms of heads-up, meat shields and logistical support are rarely chosen, because these two positions can still be used in the early stage, and even if the two of them stand together in the later stage, the blood bar will not drop as fast as it will increase, which is boring. It also consumes a lot of energy, so in the heads-up setting, the economic level is directly placed in the early stage.

    It seems that these few people are not completely without a combat strategy, and the tacit understanding between the old teammates for many years is also very good. While waiting for the game to start, Jiang Shuiyun glanced at the teammates who were watching intently.

    At the beginning of the game, Jiang Shuiyun and Killing Apostle started to move at the same time, but Killing Apostle was hiding in order to consume Jiang Shuiyun, while Jiang Shuiyun chose to attack so as not to be dragged by him for too long.

    The two chased and hided, but they didn't actually fight each other after a few times. Jiang Shuiyun's expression remained the same, but his style of play became more and more aggressive. Weaknesses, such as missed combos, or improper defense.

    After revealing a flaw again, Jiang Shuiyun's eyes were fixed. The original attacking move turned to retreat at an extremely fast speed. He originally wanted to hit Jiang Shuiyun, a slaughtering apostle by surprise, with a carbine. Jiang Shuiyun seized the opportunity.

    With such a small mistake, the Slaughter Apostle was completely entangled by Jiang Shuiyun. After two or three rounds, the computer in front of the Slaughter Apostle was grayed out, and the duel ended.

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