Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    The interview of Shengguang Group is not difficult for Jiang Shuiyun, and looking at the expressions of the interviewers, she is 90% sure.

    Just as the interview was drawing to a close, Xi Rong, who had left in the middle, came back and nodded to the other two without a trace, and Team Leader Zhang stood up with a smile on his face, "Congratulations, Teacher Jiang, for successfully passing the interview and joining our team! "

    Thank you, everyone."

    It's one thing to be sure, but it's another thing to land on the ground. Jiang Shuiyun stood up and thanked him.

    "That's right, Mr. Jiang, after careful consideration and repeated consideration by our company, I feel that it is a bit too underpowered to train in a rookie team at your level. If you have no opinion, we will arrange you to go to an active team. The strength is very strong, and it happens that there is a lack of a great god like you."

    Xi Rong took the prepared contract materials and handed them to Jiang Shuiyun, "You can take a look first."

    Jiang Shuiyun doesn't care where she goes, this is for her It's just a job, no matter where you go.

    Opening the contract information, Jiang Shuiyun quickly looked at it. The efficiency of the Shengguang Group is indeed very high. After such a time, the contract has been fully prepared, and some additional clauses are also mentioned in it, such as preferential treatment such as food and housing. The details, it can be seen that the sincerity is full, this is also like helping the current Jiang Shuiyun.

    But there is one thing that makes Jiang Shuiyun rather strange, looking at Xi Rong in front of him, "Mr. Xi, the above mentioned is asking me to be the captain of the miracle team, which is a bit inappropriate? I'm just a newcomer to the industry. "     This is our boss's decision. Our boss thinks that Mr. Jiang is fully qualified for this job, and isn't there a probation period? If Mr. Jiang feels incompetent during the probation period, we will talk about other things the same way. You don't have to worry about it."     Xi Rong actually felt that Shen Yunyi's approach was too inappropriate at first, but he couldn't help it, he was the boss, so you can do whatever you want, it's better than disbanding the now scattered miraculous team powerful.

    Jiang Shuiyun didn't know the twists and turns of this, but after hearing what Xi Rong said, he no longer bothered about it. After carefully reading the other terms, they were all reasonable and well-founded, and he immediately signed the contract.

    "Mr. Jiang is also a cheerful person. In this way, it's just too early. Why don't we go to the team and see? By the way, I can help Mr. Jiang move a house."

    Anyway, now we have grabbed such a great god in advance. Xi Rong smiled and opened his mouth to propose.

    Jiang Shuiyun has no objection. Anyway, she and Yi Jinbai have nowhere to go now, so move into the dormitory early to avoid the need to go to the hotel again.

    "There is no need to move. There was an accidental fire last night, and there is nothing to move. It's just that my wife is still waiting in the reception area. Can we go there together?

    " It's booming, Teacher Jiang, relax, and if you need anything in the future, just mention it."

    Not a person with all sides, Xi Rong couldn't sit in this manager's seat.

    Jiang Shuiyun thanked him again. Team leader Zhang was responsible for going back and entering Jiang Shuiyun's information. Xi Rong and Instructor Zhang accompanied Jiang Shuiyun to the team to see.

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