Frightingale: Part 2

Start from the beginning

Marinette lets out a low growl, catching our attention. "Is there a problem Master Dupain-Cheng?" "Chloé and Sabrina playing Ladybug and (s/n)? No way, I won't let it happen!" "Oh? This bothers you more than not being in a video next to Adrien?" Alya presses and I point out that was a good thing. "If we were Ladybug and (s/n), we wouldn't want a brat like Chloé and poor Sabrina dragged in to play us," Before we could respond, Marinette proceeds to drag me up on stage yelling "Wait! We changed our minds! We do wanna be the heroes!" We all stare at Mari in shock. "I'm sorry what?" I ask, through grit teeth when Clara rushes in for another hug. "Awesome! This will be the best video yet! Thank you, thank you (y/n) and Marinette!" She then gives Chloé an apologetic smile. "I'm really sorry what's your name but you and your friend can still be extras if you're game."

"What?! You want me to be a mere extra?! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" She storms off, dragging Sabrina and her dad with her. Marinette and I are then dragged off to the changing room where we put on the very detailed costumes, they were too good. "Great choice of fabric." "Plus amazing seams, truly amazing craftwork, almost like the real thing," Flaake and Tikki fawned over the costumes while we looked over them worriedly. "Yeah, they're too well done," Mari complains and I cross my arms while giving her a look.

"Well if you had just let Chloé be Ladybug we wouldn't be in this mess, now it'll take just one smart person to put two and two together. "I know! I'm sorry, I let my crush on Adrien cloud my judgment. We just can't wear the mask," There's a knock at the door, and we both jump. "You two ready?" "Yeah, we're coming!" We hide the masks underneath some towels on a shelf and headed outside where everyone cheered for us.

"Spot on, and spotlight! So you're Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n), right?" Clara asks and the three of us jump, quickly denying it before realizing what she meant and agreed to it. We start practicing the dance and after some time we moved on to a section where it was just Ladybug and Chat Noir, this seemed to take a bit longer. "Your dance moves need to be synchronized if you can so you'll need to hold each other by the hand," They both instantly get awkward and grab each other's hand as if they were shaking hands. Clara laughs as she corrects their hand holding. "Don't be shy, like lovers do, give it a try," They both instantly start blushing hard and looking away from each other while Alya snapped photos. I was hanging out with the girls while they did this section. 

"Marinette's jaw will drop when she sees these pics." "I can't believe how much they look like the real Ladybug, (s/n), and Chat Noir," Rose squeals and I nervously look away when Luka whispers in my ear, "You look absolutely stunning in that costume." "Shut up," I jokingly say as I push his face away with a laugh when my attention turns to Clara as she said "One final task. Put on the mask," Adrien, Marinette, and I jump at that and began rambling on about looking for the mask before coming to the same conclusion: "The mask was nowhere to be found."

Everyone starts laughing and we join in when to our horror one of the workers happily runs over with the masks, shouting "I found them!" "Go ahead and put them on all three of you. We've got a lot of singing and dancing to do!" We're told and the three of us exchange a worried look. The three of us were too worried about putting our own masks on to wonder why the other looked so worried too. Slowly we go to put on the mask when... " I'm sorry. My administrative staff just realized you never submitted permit A38 as stipulated in the circular B65 that one can only get at counter C, third floor of City Hall, which is, alas, closed for renovations until August, which means you don't have a permit to shoot...anywhere in France, including Paris," Mayor Bourgeois states as he walks in with a large stack of papers in his hands, Chloé following right behind him with a smug look.

"I...I don't understand..." Clara trails off, looking down at the stacks of paper that had been just handed to her in confusion when Chloé walks up and explains it to her, taking Clara's microphone and throwing it away, chipping the star decoration on it. "It means no more dancing, no more singing today. The Nightingale can spread her wings and fly away. Did you hear that? I made a rhyme, how talented am I?" Clara drops the papers and looks over her broken microphone, tearing up.

"No...The video needs to be shot here in Paris. The city of love, the city of Ladybug, Chat Noir, and (s/n)...This ruins all of my plans, I'm so sorry my beloved fans!" Clara apologizes before running off crying to her dressing room. "You and your pushover of a dad are really a piece of work you know that Chloé?" I tell her angrily. "Whatever do you mean?" "It amazes me that he lets you walk all over him and that he still has a job with how much he abuses his power," I walk off after that as Adrien, Marinette and I go to change out of our hero costumes while Chloé tried shooing everyone away, claiming that the show was over.

Once we were done changing we come out to be met with an akumatized Clara Nightingale in a sparkling purple suit with blue, pink, and yellow star accents. Long yellow pigtails died either pink or blue on the end with France flag-themed shades and a glowing whip with her. (Harley Quinn that you?) Chloé and her dad were glowing pink as they were instructed to sing, dance or rhyme. "What are you talking about? Singing and dancing? Why not play the trumpet too while you're at it-" Chloé starts to mock before turning to some pink material, she looked like a shiny pink statue, and everyone lets out a gasp. "Please, please, I'll keep up this rhyme. Don't make me freeze, not this time," André begs and Nightingale claps. "Bravo, you've got the right tempo," She starts attacking everyone else who scatters, screaming as they were hit by her whip and turned into shiny pink statues.

Author: I'm gonna have to start writing in rhymes again aren't I? Ugh, writing in rhymes is so painful, I struggled enough with the Danny Phantom Christmas special. *hides away in room groaning*

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