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—Surely he has noticed, what happens is that criticizing you is not his favorite hobby. “True, but I'll do it anyway. As she watched her brother leave the room, she leaned on her covers and put his arm around the back of the sofa. Troly and Damián did not take long more than ten minutes to return. Damien stood in front of one of the many fireplaces that were never built. lit up, with their arms crossed and an expression as stoic as that of a statue. Troly seemed more upset, or so his fur face showed. intense. He sat on the armrest of a chair that was nearby. "I'm going to have to call forensics, but we're going to try not to there are many people in between. "I'd appreciate it," Damien said. The detective looked at him for a moment before continuing: "Before everyone comes along and this turns into a total disaster circus, tell me what really happened. -What are you talking about? Damian frowned. I've already told you everything. Nope I couldn't sleep, I got up, I saw that there was a light on and I found him So. "Are you seriously telling me that you think this man committed suicide?" — Troly asked skeptically. I know your father. that bastard would be able to survive an atomic bomb just to… "Don't go any further," Damián warned him, annoyed. Troy narrowed his eyes. Lucia decided to intervene before the conversation heated up more, like most of the conversations with Damian. Although the anger always it came from the same side. "How can it not be what it seems?" Her friend gave him a meaningful look. -And where were you? "In the Redstar." I came home I think around two. -Did not do no allusion to his guest. There was no need to bring her into it. I went down when Damian called me. "And Ganny?" Troly looked around. Where has he gone? "To put on a few more clothes," Lucía answered, leaning forward. in front of her and resting her knees on her elbows. She should be down shortly. Of We're telling you the truth anyway, Troly. We found it like this.

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