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"Look, I'm not an expert American, but everything points to it being hanged "It's an unintentional death," Gany pointed out. Lucia wondered at what crime series would have learned that term. Even so, the police will want investigate it. Especially since it doesn't seem like she left any letters or note. Ella.” She jerked her chin at the desk. Although it is also true that None of us have been looking for anything. Damn! I can't believe. Lucia looked at her father's body again. Yeah, he didn't believe it either. "Did you call Troli?" He focused on Damian. I'm sure he'll be happy very much. Oh wow! We should be celebrating it. "Do you not have an iota of decency?" Damian spat. "Are you really asking me that question?" For our father? Damien clenched his jaw. It was the only hint of emotion he showed. "Do you have any idea what people are going to say about this?" "Look me in the face." Is there something in my expression that has led you to believe that I can become interested in what people think? He inquired at low voice. Or what has ever interested me? "You may not care, but the last thing our family needs is Let them drag her back across the land. There were a lot of things his family didn't need, but one stain more on his already tarnished reputation was the lesser of his evils. "Perhaps our father should have thought better of it before…" she stopped and gestured with her chin to where he hung the body without life of his father. Damián pursed his lips and Lucía knew that her brother had to do summoning all her self-control not to answer him. Although it was also true that she had years of experience in ignoring his barbs. Damian didn't say anything. He just wrapped his arms around his father's legs and walked out of the room. his office, closing the door behind him quietly. "Was it because of something I said?" Lucia said ironically, raising an eyebrow. Gany gave him a tired look. -Why do you do it? He shrugged, showing indifference. -Why not? “You know how he gets. The thing was, he did know. But did Gany know? He thought not. Probably because Gany didn't want to see how his older brother reacted.

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