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He raised both eyebrows when he heard his brother hang up without further ado. it was a request most interesting. She put her cell phone in her pocket, fastened her pants, took off his belt and threw it on the sofa next to her. -Stay here. -What? leave me like this He spoke as if no man had dared walk away from her as soon as he put his hand on her penis. He looked at her with a smile and opened the door that led to the gallery of the Third floor. -Yes. And you'll still be here when I get back. Her response made her jaw drop, but she stepped out into the fresh air anyway. She knew that despite her anger, she would wait for him. She crossed the gallery, took the closed staircase and went out through the warehouse of the main floor that she faced. The mausoleum they had at home was barely illuminated at that hour and silence reigned. Her bare feet stepped on the tiled floor that soon became wood. She took a couple of minutes to get to the office, since she was on the other side of the right wing, away from the curious looks of everyone who visited the Victor's house. She even had her own gate and driveway. Mexico, her father, had made sure to guarantee his privacy until extreme limits. He slowed down as he approached the closed doors. She had no idea what might be waiting for her in that office, but she knew that her brother wouldn't call him in the middle of the night with news, so she prepared for any eventuality. The heavy oak doors swung open silently. when she walked into the well-lit room stopped in its tracks. -But what…? Two of her legs swayed slightly; Brothers crocodile-skin loafers hung three feet off the ground. There was a small puddle below. The nauseating stench that hung in the room said what it was. "That's why I called you," Damián said from somewhere in the room in a neutral tone. Lucia looked up, along the dark slacks that were wet on the inside of her thighs, the lopsided shirt of blue cashmere halfway in, hands and arms limp at her sides, shoulders slumped and his neck bent at an unnatural angle-no doubt because of the belt around him. surrounded.

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