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However, those who held that opinion did not know the real Ganny. "I've called Troli," Damián answered gravely from the place where that he was, on the other side of the office. He looked like a eldest son, the son who was now the head of the De Victor dynasty, always he must have. Dark hair combed to perfection, jawline shaved, and not a single wrinkle in the linen pants he slept in. knowing him, surely he had ironed them before he came. "I've told him what happened," Damian continued. He is on his way. Lucia looked at him. "Did you find it yourself?" -I could not sleep. I got up and came down here. When I saw that the light was turned on, I went in and found it like this. Damian crossed his arms. When Did you get home, Lucia? "And what does that have to do with this?" "Just answer the question." Lucia smiled a slow smile of understanding. "Do you think I had something to do with the state he's in?" our dear father? Devlin didn't say anything. He just waited. Although that was very typical of Damien. It was silent and cold, like a freshly dug grave. Nothing to do with him. Absolutely nothing. It was Gany who looked at him as if he was trying to discern the truth. Lucia rolled her eyes half white. “I don't even know if he was awake when I got home. I used my own entrance and, until you called me, I was having a good time, entertained with other types of activities. "I'm not accusing you of anything," replied Damián with the same tone as he had used it hundreds of times when they were kids. "Well, that's not what it seemed like." “That was not normal. His father was hanging from the ceiling fan, with a leather belt from six hundred dollars around his neck, and Damián was asking about his whereabouts? He stopped the drumming on the arm of the chair. That's when he noticed a stain red at the tip. He put his fingers inside. And where were the others? Damian raised his eyebrows. Ganny looked away. Lucia shook her head and chuckled seriously.

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