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APRIL 27, 1988
Los Angeles, California


The first scene Christian and Winona had to shoot that day was in Veronica's car at the school parking lot right after the scene in the forest.

"Make sure you put extra makeup on Christian today, Julie" She jokes, walking up to Christian getting his makeup touched up by Julie beside the car.

His head turns around, frowns matching her energy.

"Not as much as Winona needs though" Christian jokes back as Winona reached him, leaning on the car.

Winona laughs at his joke and crosses her arms.

One of Julie's assistants informed them that they're gonna have to shoot in half an hour to get Lisanne and Shannen ready since they were a part of the scene too.

While waiting, Winona and Christian were chatting right outside the car.

"Well do you like to sing?" Christian asks.

"Ahm- I would never inflict that on anyone. I absolutely cannot carry a tune" She snickers and he laughed with her.

"You can sing quite nicely though, right?" Winona adds.

"Yeah, I guess" He shrugged "But come on, I'm sure you're not that bad at singing" Christian argued causing Winona to chortle.

"I don't believe that. Why don't you sing a line?"

"Oh god!" Winona hopped up on the hood of the car.

"C'mon!" He hopped up and sat next to her. "For me?" Christian tilted his head to her.

"Tell you what. I'll sing a verse if you sing one" She negotiated.

"Ah." Christian scrunched up his nose.

"C'mon! For me?" Winona imitated him, tilting her head to him.

"Okay, okay. Do-" He laughed.

"You go" She giggled.

Before he started, The set photographer was looking around and saw the two teens laughing together, snapping a photo of them on the hood of the car. 

"Okay, uhm. You're just too good to be true, Can't take my eyes off of you. I love you baby and if it's quite alright. I need you baby to warm the lonely night. I love you baby trust in me when I say" Christian sang.

"Goodness! That was awesome!" Winona exclaimed.

"It was alright. Thank you" Christian chuckled. "Your turn"

"Alright, alright. Promise you won't laugh?" 

He holds his hand up gesturing that he promises.

Winona clears her throat and starts to sing "When there's no getting over that rainbow. When my smallest of dreams won't come true. I can take all the madness the world has to give. But I won't last a day without you."

"What are you talking about you can't sing?! That wasn't half bad!" He gasped.

"Fine, I guess that was fine" She ginned.

Michael arrived and told them to get ready in the car so they could shoot the first part already. 

"Winona, right at the beginning of the scene you need to have your head on Christian's lap. Okay?" Michael had his head popped in through the car window while Winona was seated in the driver's seat and Christian in the passengers beside her. "Alright, go ahead we're gonna practice running it" He continued.

Winona leans over and lays her head on Christian's lap, put her hand on her stomach

She looked up at him turning out he was looking right back at her. They quickly look away and back at Michael.

"Now, Christian have your arm a bit wrapped around her like that, right beside Winona's" Michael put his hand on his own torso so he could copy him.

Christian copies and put his hand beside hers on Winona's stomach.

Michael continues to walk them through the scene directing how they were supposed to act it out. Then they start shooting.

"I did not want them dead!" Winona shouted.

"You did too" Christian chuckled.

"I did not!" She argued.

"Did too!" He raised his voice.

"I did not!"

"Did too!"

"I did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not! Did not! Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Shut up! I did not want them to-!" Winona shuts her eyes, covers her ears and starts singing loudly "Mary had a little lamb!"

"Oh come on! You did! you just AjhUhgjfuKcaw" Christian tried to improvise but it turned out to sound like gibberish.

"Mary ha-" Winona cuts herself off and turns to him "What was that?!" She and Christian burst into laughter.

"I forgot the rest of the line and I tried to improvise instead but it just sounded like nonsense!" He laughed.

They re shot the scene after they had calmed down and finished the parts inside the car. Then the cameras moved outside for a short part witch Shannen's line.

"Alright are we ready?" Michael shouted into his megaphone. "Winona and Christian! Just make it look like you're arguing!" He informs them. "Action!"

In the car Winona and Christian were fake arguing. (this is supposed to be funny please don't think they are serious just imagine them being on the verge of bursting into laughter) 

"Alright, You got a problem Veronica huh?" Christian shouted

"I sure do! Everyone knows that one time you did that one thing to me on that one day in that month that everyone knows about!" Winona shouted back.

"But what about when you did that thing then?!" He held back a laugh

"You are seriously bringing that up!? Well you and I both know what I did that because of the thing that you said about that one time you didn't do that thing!"

"How dare you say that! Especially considering what happened that one time when something was supposed to happen but then didn't but then did again because of what you said!" 

"You know what you did?!"


"You left the toilet seat up you bastard!" Winona screamed.

And that was the breaking point and the pair couldn't hold their laughter in anymore. Good thing they finished filming Shannen's line.


oOooo a pretty longer chapter HAHAHAHA

go read back to the "can't sleep?" chapter NOW I WANT YOU TO SEE THAT CHANGES 

also yes for the people reading this right when i jsut published it, i know i went back in time i jsut thought id add a chapter in for when they were still shooting


It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Where stories live. Discover now