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NOVEMBER 28, 1993
Los Angeles, California


After a late afternoon of running errands together, Winona and Christian came home their apartment. 

While cuddling with Ollie on the bed, Winona falls asleep.

Christian eventually found her laying there and smiled softly. He drapes a blanket over her and lets her nap for the rest of the day and eventually snuck back under the covers with her after fixing some stuff outside.

Hours later, she woke up to Christian peppering her face with kisses. 

She chuckles sleepily "Hi" smiling at him.

He smiled back and pulled away, fixing her hair. "Good Evening"

"How long was I out?" Winona rubbed her eyes.

"Two hours or so" Christian yawned, checking the clock on the wall. "Do you want to eat out tonight?" He asked.

"Sure" She nodded.

They both got up and left shortly after deciding to eat out.

After eating out to a nice restaurant, On the way home Christian went on a little de tour to Laurel Canyon Boulevard.

"Hey- Is this?" Winona looked out the window. She recognized the School where they had filmed Heathers a couple years ago.

"I thought we'd check it out, Since we haven't been here for a while" He smiled at her.

She chuckles, still looking out the car window.

It was around 9 pm on a Sunday so Bridges Academy was empty and unoccupied.

Christian parked in a spot then they got out the car. And started exploring. 

They pointed out the spot were they filmed that scene in the car. Then started remembering again where they would eat some meals together with Shannen and Kim. They even started to point out where their trailers were in the parking lot.

"Where was yours?" Winona asked.

"Wait hold on I'm trying to remember" Christian replied, looking down at the spaces pacing around.

"Mine was- I think" She starts to mumble walking around.

"If this was mine, then-" He said, standing still and looking at her.

Winona looks back and grins, walks over to him and retraces her steps how she used to get from his trailer to her trailer  "Riiiiiight here" She hums, a big smiles on her face.

As they continued to walk, Winona noticed a big tree with a streetlight and a bench under it. And that they were heading towards it.

(yes i used AI for the visuals, i cant draw ok??)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(yes i used AI for the visuals, i cant draw ok??)

"It's beautiful here" Winona swoons, sitting down on the bench.

"I know" Christian agreed as he sat down beside her. 

Both of them looks around admiring the scenery in silence for a while.

"Oh my god, I just remembered. I'm pretty sure I used to come down here some nights when I couldn't sleep sometimes back then." She spoke.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I remember" He chuckled.

Winona release a relaxed exhale and takes Christian hand in hers, leaning on his shoulder "Thank you for taking me here, Christian" She smiled.

"My pleasure" He put his arm around her and pulling Winona closer, smiling with her.

"All these memories just came flooding back."

"I know, me too" Christian couldn't stop smiling "Do you remember us around each other when shooting just started?"

"Ha! We were so awkward!" Winona laughed "Apparently everybody could tell we liked each other"


"Were we really that obvious?" 

The pair continued laughing about their stories until they quieted down again.

"Thank you so much again, Honey. I really appreciate it" She turns to him.

"Of course." He said "I love you"

"I love you too"

Christian pulls Winona in a soft kiss. He pulls away and they connect their foreheads, smiling lovingly at each other. 

Until Christian moves from sitting on the bench to kneeling on one knee while still holding Winona's hand.

As he moved, Winona stares at him in awe as it finally clicked in her head.

"Noni" Christian chuckled breathily, slowly reaching into his pocket and taking the ring then holding it up gently.

"When we were still a couple of teenagers and shooting a movie here.  I would never have known that I would be meeting the love of my life."

Winona was already wiping a few stray tears away as she held his hand, gazing at him as he was kneeling in front of her holding out a beautiful diamond ring.

"Years ago, I ran into you here right at this spot in the middle of the night. That night, while we talked, I fell in love with you, And I just fall even harder for you every single day." 

He pauses and continues talking "I have never loved anyone more. Would you do me the great honor and marry me?"

Winona looks at him with teary eyes and nods a few times "Of course. Yes." She smiles tearfully.

Christian smiles even more widely, stands up and slips on the ring on her finger. They both admire the ring holding each others hands. Then they look up and kiss happily.

"You could've told me to wear something nicer" Winona laughed, causing him to laugh with her.




It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora