in the rain

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AUGUST 17, 1993
Manhattan, New York City, New York


Right after Winona finished her shooting of 'Reality Bites' in Houston, She flew to New York for Christian's birthday, where he was staying at his mom's house in Manhattan. Mary Jo and Will, moved back to Manhattan a couple years ago.

Winona got her luggage from the baggage claim and started to make her way to the exit.

Christian was waiting outside the airport, he parked the car on the side of the road and stood outside the car door. He grabs his phone and calls Winona.

Her bag rings and she digs in her bag, finally finding the phone as she answers it. "Hello?" Winona spoke.

"Hey! Have you landed yet?" He greets her.

"Yep! Just got my bags, I'm on my way out. Are you outside?" 

"Just got here" 

"Alright I'll see you"


They both hung up as Winona got out of the glass sliding doors.

She looks around and spots him by the car, starting to walk his way. He looks at her and a smile grows on his face and the pair greeted each other with big hugs.

Pulling away from the hug, they smiled widely at each other.

"Hi" Christian grinned, kissing her on the lips.

"Hi" Winona smiled back, kissing him on the lips again. She cupped his chin and noticed the slight beard that was growing "I see that you've grown a beard" Winona chuckles.

"Yeah, I stopped shaving a couple days ago" He laughed, tracing his jawline.(idk abt u but i thought that was quite cute :])

"Well, I think it's very sexy" She giggled.

"Why thank you, I love your hair" Christian ran his fingers through her hair.

They gathered Winona's luggage, put it in the trunk and drove away.

After a car ride of catching up with each other, the pair finally arrived at the house.

"We're back!" Christian shouted, opening the front door bringing in a suitcase.

Winona follows behind him, bringing in her other suitcase.

"Hi Dears!" Mary Jo appeared out of the corner of the hall, giving them both kisses on the cheek, and hugging Winona.

"Hi" Winona hugged her back.

Christian grabs Winona's other suitcase and rolls them into his room downstairs.

His room was on the first floor and had a patio door leading out to the backyard.

Mary Jo leads her into the dining room where Ryan was eating a snack. 

"Are you hungry?" Mary Jo offers.

"I'm alright, thank you" Winona grinned.

Ollie who came with them there, ran into the room, followed by Christian.


AUGUST 18, 1993
Manhattan, New York


On Christian's birthday, He woke up first with Winona beside him. He turns to Winona and admires her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She eventually wakes up and notices him then grins sleepily. "Good morning, birthday boy" 

"Good morning" He smiled back, pulling her in his arms. While snuggled up under the sheets together, the rain was lightly pouring outside and it made very relaxing sounds echoing in the house. (taking a nap while its raining outside>>)

Suddenly, Ollie hops onto the bed and greets them by licking them on the face.

"Good morning to you too!" Winona laughed.

"Somebody's excited this morning" Christian chuckles and pet Ollie roughly.

The dog jumps off the bed and scratches the door leading outside to the backyard.

"Ohp" Christian and Winona said in unison.

"Oliver needs to go" He exhaled, crawling out of bed and putting on a robe over his clothes and opening the glass doors. Winona also got out of bed and put on a robe.

A cold breeze brushes in as the doors open and Ollie runs out.

They let Ollie find a spot and do his business, until Winona notices Ollie trying to go in Mary Jo's vegetable garden and points it out in a panic.

"Christian! Christian! Ollie's trying to go in the vegetables!" Winona panickily shouted. 

"God! Ollie!" Christian ran out of the house, even though it was raining outside.

He picked up Ollie and put him on the other side leading him to go in the grass.

Christian sighed and chuckled at Ollie's mischievous behavior, looking up at the sky noticing that it was on him.

"You getting a bit wet there?" Winona teased, leaning on the door frame.

"C'mere!" He exclaimed.

"I'm gonna get drenched!" 

"So what?!" Christian finally started to run towards her.

"No! Ah!" She squeals as he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. 

He puts her down when they reached there. Christian holds her hand and holds it over her head spinning her around.

They ended up dancing and kissing in the rain.


im in my flop era lol

but this chapter was cute tho in my opinion :D

as of right now, winona is 21 turning 22, christian already turned 24


It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ