bummed out

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MARCH 26, 1990
Lakeland, Florida


"Can I have your cap please? I don't think my hair reacts good with Florida weather" Winona asked Christian, noticing her hair in the sidemirror of the cab when they arrived on set because it was the first day of shooting for Edward Scissorhands.

"Sure, Here" He took off his baseball cap and slid it on her head, then runs his fingers through his hair brushing it back.

She chuckles as she fixes the way the cap was plopped on top of her hair.

They both walked further on set, which was mostly made up of a bunch of trailers parker outside a cute neighborhood with pastel coloured houses.

Eventually, Johnny runs into them while they were admiring the neighborhood.

"Oh Winona hi" He greets her.

"Johnny, good morning" She smiles.

"And you are?" Johnny turns to Christian.

"Ah! Johnny, this is Christian. Babe, this is Johnny" Winona gestures to each other them.

"Nice to meet you" Christian nods at him.

"You too." Johnny replies. "So uh since when have you guys been uhm together?"

"Huh?" Winona raises a brow.

"You called him Babe" Johnny points out.

"Oh!" She and Christian exchanged looks and chuckled.

"2 years this May" Christian grins at him.

"Wow, nice" Johnny nods.

Tim Burton then starts walking towards them "Winona! Johnny! There are my stars!" He greets them.

Right Before Tim started to talk to them, Christian whispers to Winona "I'm gonna go drop our stuff off at your trailer"

"Okay" She whispers back, smiling. She hands him her bag and He walks away with their stuff, off to her assigned trailer.


Later that day, Winona got her blonde wig put on for the first time. She requested Christian to wait in the trailer until she was done with her full hair, makeup and costume. So when she was done, she goes back to the trailer but asks him to cover his eyes first before coming in.

"Are you ready?" Winona asks.

"Can't wait!" Christian laughs, his hands over his eyes.

"Okay, you can look now!" She says.

He pulls away his hand and opens his eyes. His eyes widen as he begins to smile.

"You look like a completely different person!" He exclaims.

"I know! But I just now realized how much I'm much more happy with my own style of clothing" She replies, adjusting her yellow sweater.

"You look great either way" Christian says.


MARCH 30, 1990
Lakeland, Florida


At the end of the week, Winona was gathering her stuff in the trailer, getting ready to leave for the night.

"You have that sad look in your eyes, Did something happen?" Christian looks up from sitting on the couch.

"Nothing happened, I'm just bummed out that you're already leaving tommorow morning" She sits down beside him.

"I'd love to stay, but I got a bunch of stuff to do back home. I hate it that I have to leave"

Winona hums in response. Christian pulls her to his lap. He lightly holds the tip of her chin, turning her head slightly to him as he starts to kiss her.

She kisses back and smiles into the kiss, placing her hand right below his jaw.  A little while later, they were of course interrupted by someone who knocked on the door of the trailer.

They pull away and Christian groans as Winona presses her lips to a thin line in annoyance.

She stands up off his lap and opens the door.

"Hey Winona. Tim said—" Johnny starts but cuts himself off when he notices something on her lips. "Uhm Your lipstick is smudged really badly"

"Oh-" Winona's eyes widen as she quickly wipes it off "That's embarrassing"

"Okay, Tim said he wanted to clarify the schedule for tomorrow really quick, so he asked me to call you"

"Mkay, I'll be right out" She nods. He walks away and she closes the door.

"So you need to go?" Christian says.

"Mhm, I'll see you later" They kiss one last time then pull away. "Oh, and you got lipstick on you, sorry. Bye." She chuckles, walking away and fixes herself up.


uhm yea

anyways i baked a chocolate cake today :D i cut the whole cake into 3 teirs then used nutella as frosting in between and outside because i was too lazy to make chocolate ganache mmmm then i paired it with caramel syrup MMMMM believe me when i said it was delicious


It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Where stories live. Discover now