ruin that

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JUNE 7, 1991
San Francisco, California


"Christian, It's your girlfriend" An assistant enters his dressing room with Winona following behind her.

"Really?" Christian looks up from the chair where he was studying his lines for the day.

"Surprise!" Winona beams, finally able to catch up with the her.

"Hey!" He stood up walking over to her and wrapping her in a hug. The assistant left them and closed the door behind her.

"Hi" She hugged him back. They pull away from the hug and share a kiss.

"I thought we agreed I'd just be coming home after this movie wraps up? I finish in like two weeks"

"Yeah well, I wanted to go check up on you. And I haven't visited my parents since Uri's birthday. Plus, it was getting really lonely back at home."

Christian nods along and sits back down on the chair continuing to practice his lines.

Later that day, Winona leaves the set to let Christian continue filming while she visits her parents.


JUNE 10, 1991
San Francisco, California


It was now a few days after Winona arrived in San Francisco.

Christian had to film the first opening scene in the movie that day too, with Milla Jovovich who was playing Christian's character's love interest.

Winona hadn't met Milla yet but she looked forward to talk with her sometime during her time on set.

Before they made their way to the set of the house, Christian sat down beside Winona on the couch of his dressing room where she was previously flipping through a magazine, keeping him company as he got his makeup done in the room. "I don't need to film out late later, Do you wanna eat out tonight?" He smiled as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Okay" Winona nods, grinning softly putting her hands over his and carressing them. "Fisherman's wharf has a bunch of seafood places." She suggests.

"Alright, we'll pick out a restaurant once we get there" Christian replied.

Right before they got out the dressing room and went on their way to set, Christian went into the en-suite bathroom of the dressing room.

Somebody knocks on the door and Winona answers it.

"Hi, I'm Milla" Milla greets her gleefully.

"Oh right, you're Milla! Winona, Nice to meet you." Winona smiled back. "Do you want to come in?" She offers.

"Oh sure" Milla nods. She sits down with Winona on the couch, they were both across from each other.

"Yes, um you might be wondering why I'm here at your boyfriend's dressing room. I actually came here because I wanted to run something by you" Milla starts.

"Well, what ever for?" Winona asks.

"Okay, so whenever I make a movie where I have a love interest, I always make sure that the actor's partner in real life, is comfortable with everything." Milla said, then continues "I feel like that it's just necessary in my opinion. Just making sure that they don't hate me. " She chuckles.

"That's really thoughtful of you, Milla" Winona replied, smiling softly.

"I've caught some of you and Christian's interviews on talk shows, you two seem so inlove I don't wanna ruin that. And I just hope that I'm not stepping on anything"

"Don't worry, you're not stepping on anything. I'm not those crazy paranoid girlfriends" Winona laughs, causing Milla to laugh too.

Christian exits that bathroom and chuckles "What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh nothing, Milla here just told me a joke" Winona replied.

"Alright. Are you ready to go?" 



i think milla jovovich was 15 when she filmed kuffs yea


It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang