opening night

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JANUARY 18, 1991


Tonight was Opening Night for Christian's children's play that he directed. At the moment, he was panicking because it was 20 minutes before showtime and one of the older actors who played a big role, was stuck in traffic.

He was in the director's dressing room freaking out. 

Until Winona entered the room "Hey hey hey hey hey hey, what's going on?" She holds his shoulders and pulls him into a hug.

"One of the actors are stuck in traffic" He shook his head repeatedly.

"Okay, Calm down right now, it's gonna be fine. Don't they have an understudy?" Winona sat him down on the chair and suggested.

"The understudy never showed up to any of the rehearsals. They for sure hated me for casting somebody other than them." Christian massages his temples. "What am I gonna do?!"

"Alright. Look at me" She said. He was too lost in his thought, staring at the clock that he didn't notice what she was saying. "Look at me" She repeated. Nothing.

"Christian Michael Leonard Slater, You look at me" Winona said with strong stern in her voice, loosing her patience and lightly grabbing his chin and turning his head to her.

"What are you full naming me for?" He frowned, zoning back in.

"I was trying to get you to look at me and listen!" She replied. "They still have twenty minutes to get here, everything is gonna be fine. I get that this is your first time directing, and you did more than amazing at doing it. But you need to calm down, whatever happens you did all you could. So pull yourself together and put on a terrific show!"

"Okay, I will" Christian nodded, having faith in his show again.

Luckily, 10 minutes later the actor finally arrived and the play managed to go smoothly. At the end of the show, Christian came out onto the stage with the cast and said a few words thanking everybody for coming and they did the final bows.




It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora