our song

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MARCH 18, 1990
Los Angeles, California


"A movie about Mobsters?" Winona gasps.

"Yep. And it's a real story too" Christian nods.

They were both in Winona's room at her house, having a relaxing late afternoon together. He had his head on her lap as they were laying on the bed.

"I went in for an audition a couple weeks ago and I got the role"

"Look at you! Already on the way to film a movie, after finishing Pump up the Volume a month ago" She smiles.

"Well, I'm not the only one scheduled to shoot a film. Looking forward to working with Tim again?" He chuckles.

"Of course! He's just so great" Winona replies. "You're coming to visit in Florida right?"

"Yeah, 'course I am" Christian nods.

"Who else is on the cast for yours?"

"Patrick got a role, Dempsey."

"The guy who sat at our table at the Oscars?"


"I don't really know who is playing the other two. But I heard Anthony Quinn is apart of the cast too"

"Ooh, nice." She said while running her fingers through his hair.

A little while later, Winona found a cassette tape in her bedside table drawer.

She stands up from practicing lines with Christian on the carpet and puts it into her cassette deck.

"What'd you find?" Christian looks up at her from the floor.

"A song" Winona grins, then presses play on the machine. Earth Angel, a song by The Penguins starts playing.

"Earth Angel, Earth Angel"
"Will you be mine?"

"Oh yes, Do you remember that time when I woke you up to go get ready for the shoot?" Winona smiles warmly as she recognizes the first lines.

Christian remembers "Oh Yeah" He smiled widely. "And then you pointed out that you loved this song"

"Still do" She chuckled, turning back to him.

"I'm just a fool"
"A fool in love with you"

Christian's heart flutters and Winona eased him to stand up and pulls him close. They both started to sweetly slow dance to the song in her room.

"I hoped and I pray that someday"
"I'll be the vision of your ha, happiness"

The song continues to play.

"I love you" She whispers.

"I love you too" He whispers back then they both lean in and share a soft kiss.

"My Darling Dear"
"Love you all the time"

"I'm just a fool"
"A fool in love with you"
"I fell for you and I knew"
"The vision of your loveliness"
"I hope and pray that someday"
"That I'll be the vision of your happiness"
"Earth Angel, Earth Angel"
"Please be mine"
"My darling dear"
"Love you all the time"
"I'm just a fool"
"A fool in love with you"



anyways we have some interesting stuff on the agenda for the year 1990 so yes look out for that


It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Where stories live. Discover now