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JANUARY 21, 1993
Lisbon, Portugal


"Good Morning" Meryl greets Winona, in the makeup chair getting her hair done as Winona walked in the makeup trailer.

"Morning" She smiled back, sitting down on the empty chair beside her.

Winona flew to Lisbon, Portugal a couple days ago where filming of The house of spirits began. She was starring in the movie with Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons and a couple more actors.

The makeup artist started to put on makeup on Winona, as Winona and Meryl got into a conversation while getting their hair and makeup done. About 10 minutes into casually talking, Winona remembers something from a couple months ago.

"We actually ran into Dan. Waters. A couple months ago." Winona said.

"Oh yes, The guy who wrote Heathers, right?" Meryl remembers, nodding.

"Yep. He basically ended up having brunch with him and then he told us about how he might write Heathers two" 

"A sequel?"

"Dan said all of this stuff about still being skeptical about writing it because he wasn't sure you'd sign on."

"Me? What do you mean?" 

"He had you in mind for one of the main characters. Do you want to hear about it?"

"I guess, go ahead."

"Well, It's supposed to be a couple years later and Veronica is in Washington. She becomes a page for you, A Senator named Heather. For some reason, there's men in suits who know about the Westerburg murders and they're blackmailing her. By the end, Veronica assassinates the president and getting away with it"

"Very interesting plot" Meryl nods.

"It is. I like it. So, are you in?" Winona asks eagerly.

"Maybe, If Daniel eventually comes to write it. Who knows, maybe he's writing it as we speak."


After shooting that day, Winona arrived back at her hotel room. 

She was eating a late dinner by herself when the telephone rings.

"Hello?" Winona answers the phone.

"Good evening to you there" Christian greeted her. He was home in LA with Ollie.

"Good afternoon to you too" She chuckles, putting the phone between her shoulder and ear.

"How are you?" He asks.

"Good, Guess what I talked about with Meryl today" 


"Remember a couple months ago when Dan told us about a sequel to Heathers?"

"Definitely. Have you heard from him about it yet?"

"Sadly no. Have you?"


"Alright. But anyways, I told her about it and she said she'd maybe hop on after she's read the script"

"That's great!"

Winona hums in response and they continue to talk on the phone.

While they were in the middle of a conversation, Christian goes through the mail on the console table. He was looking through the pile when he came across the daily newspaper for that day he bought earlier this morning but didn't get to read.

He sat down and started flipping through it, until an article shocked him.

"God" Christian gasps.

"Something wrong?" Winona asks with concern.

"Audrey Hepburn died." He spoke with devastation.

Her face drops and she inaudibly gasps.

"Hello? Noni, are you.. okay?" Christian asked cautiously.

"Yeah, I'm still here. It's just heartbreaking." Winona practically whispered into the mic of the phone.

"It is.. She wrote you back a month ago.."

"We were gonna go eat dinner together right after I finished shooting" She mumbles. "Where did you find out?"

"This morning's paper, I only got to read it right now." Christian answers.

"I don't have newspaper at the hotel room" Winona purses her lips together and bites her lip. "What does it say?"

He starts reading the article out loud "Audrey Hepburn, the slender, doe-eyed Oscar winning actress who enchanted moviegoers in such films as Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany's and in later years dedicated herself to feeding the world's hungry, died Wednesday of colon cancer. She was sixty-three and died in her home in Tolochenaz."

"Gosh, this is devastating"



okay, so cute little note for comfort, audrey sent a few more clothes to winona over the years and they still kept in touch about every few months. they were supposed to have dinner together right after winona finished shooting 'the house of spirits' and 'little women' sometime in june (back to back shooting)


It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Where stories live. Discover now