cast dinner

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MARCH 25, 1988
Los Angeles, California


Michael and Daniel plus more of the crew, were waiting for all the cast to arrive at the fancy restaurant for the cast dinner right before shooting, the next month. They had a special dining room reserved for the night, the purpose for this cast dinner was for everybody to get to know everybody.

Lisanne and some of the other actors who were playing minor roles arrived firstly. And then Winona arrived soon, Shannen coming 5 minutes later.

"Hi! I'm Lisanne" Lisanne smiled as Winona hugged her.

"I'm Winona" Winona greeted her back.

Shannen soon greeted both of them also. Eventually, they all enter a conversation, getting to know each other.

"You guys look so young, how old are you two?" Lisanne asks as she changes the topic.

"Sixteen" Winona and Shannen answer in unison, they look at each other and laugh.

Kim arrives and she slips into the conversation and chuckles "Hey, Is this where all the Heathers are?"

"Oh! You must be Heather number one!" Shannen exclaims and all 4 of them greet each other.

"Yes, I am. What about you guys?" Kim asks nicely as she hugs everybody and then takes a seat beside them.

"I play Veronica Sawyer" Winona answers.

"And I play Heather McNamara" Lisanne says.

"I am Heather Duke" Shannen nods.

Their conversation shifts onto a different topic.

"Wait, Who got the role of JD?" Winona asks.

"My Boyfriend actually got the part, isn't that just amazing?" Kim blushes.

"Who's your boyfriend?" Lisanne asks

"Me" Christian speaks up, he caught a snippet of their conversation while walking over to them.

"Oh, You!" Winona exclaims, slightly disappointed Of course he has a girlfriend she says in her head.

"Yep, I got the part" Christian chuckles "I'm Christian by the way" He adds.

"Lisanne Falk"
"Shannen Doherty" Both of them shook Christian's hands.

After chatting with them for a couple minutes, Everybody gets seated in their seats. Christian seated in between Winona and Kim (0.0)

While dinner, Winona and Christian got to know each other more, as they talked.

"Yep, Born and Raised in New York" Christian nodded

"That's cool. Where did you guys meet?" Winona asked Kim and Christian.

"We were um working together" Christian answered.

"We knew each other since January, and just got together a couple weeks ago" Kim informs her.

Winona hums in response and turns back to her food.

After everybody finished their Dinner and Michael stands up "I'd like to make a toast, to our amazing cast, smooth sailing for the filming, and to our great writer Daniel Waters" He holds up his glass of champagne that most of the adults had in their glasses and sparkling water for the younger actors.

Everybody holds up their glasses and clink them with the people beside them.

"Cheers" Everyone in the room says repeatedly, with multiple sound of glasses clinking together and drinking from it.


hi kids here's another chapter for the book


It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu