can't sleep?

200 7 16

APRIL 21, 1988
Los Angeles, California


After shooting that day, Christian makes his way to Kim's trailer, passing some other people's cast trailers too. He wasn't needed to shoot that day since it was mostly Winona and Kim at the Remington Party.

He knocks on the door and waits for a response. 

"Come in!" Kim shouts from the inside.

Christian open the door and enters the trailer "Hey." He greets her.

"Uh, Hey" She says back, in her sleeping clothes as she picks up a pillow from her couch and sits down on the couch placing the pillow on her lap.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure, I was actually thinking we could talk about another thing too" Kim replies, gesturing for him to sit across from him on the couch.

"Thanks" He mumbles, sitting down on the couch. Christian pauses for a second until he starts his sentence "Listen, I don't think we should see each other anymore" He waits for a response.

Christian had formed quite a crush on Winona over filming the last couple of weeks. He couldn't avoid it anymore so he finally decided to end things with Kim.

"Actually.. That was also what I was gonna talk to you about" She states awkwardly.

"Oh, okay great I guess." He nods and mumbles. They stay there for a couple seconds until Christian finally releases and uncomfortable exhale and stands up "I'm gonna go. We're still good, right? No hard feelings?"

"Of course!" Kim replies and smiles widely at him. They hug each other "I know you like Winona, by the way. And you two are perfect for each other. You have my blessing to go. for. her!" Kim exclaims gladly.

Christian's smile widens "Thanks" 

"Go on back to your trailer! I gotta finish getting ready for bed, Good luck!"

He happily says goodbye and exits the trailer.


APRIL 22, 1988
Los Angeles, California


The next day, after the continuation of filming for the Remington Party, Around midnight, Winona couldn't sleep. She gets up and puts on a coat on top of her pajamas.

She creeps out of her trailer, careful to not wake the sleeping actors in her neighboring trailers.

She sat down on an idle bench by a pathway in the school grounds under a tree. The pathway being slightly lit up by a streetlamp. 

Winona settles down and she looks around at her surroundings, admiring the moon in the sky.

(ignore that i used ai for the visual, I CANT DRAW and i dont know how to describe it in words LMAO)

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(ignore that i used ai for the visual, I CANT DRAW and i dont know how to describe it in words LMAO)

Meanwhile, Christian was watching TV in the middle of the night on his bed when he hears somebody shut a door and walk past his trailer. He peeks outside the window near his bed and a shadow disappears around the corner of a different person's trailer. 

He was curious who that could be because what person in the staff or cast would be up at 12AM. So he grabs a coat from the coat hanger near his trailer door and exits his trailer quietly.

Christian strolls around the lot and campus when he eventually finds someone sitting down on a lone bench by the pathway.

Their back was faced to him so he sneaks beside them and as he got closer, He notices it was Winona and slight smile creeps on his face.

"Can't sleep?" He speaks up.

Winona jumps and turns to him "God! You startled me!" She laughs quietly.

"Sorry" Christian apologizes and chuckles, he sits down beside her on the bench.

"What are you doing up?" Winona clears her throat and asks meekly.

"I was um, Watching TV and I heard somebody walk past my trailer"


"How was filming today?"

"Good." She replies, rubbing her hands together for heat. "How've you been?"

"Life's going, y'know the usual. We haven't actually talked a lot ever since filming started" Christian chuckles then turns to her.

"Yea, You're right" Winona nods. "Alright I wanna get to know you then, and we're both awake"

"We got the time. Come on tell me about yourself" He shrugs.

She giggles and turns away to look around "Okay, Let's see then. My favorite band of all time is The Replacements"

"Mh, They're cool. I'm a huge Frank Sinatra fan, so was my dad actually." 

"Oh! Really?"

"Yea, I grew up listening and loving his music"

Winona hums in response then continues the conversation "You have any siblings?" 

"Little brother. You?"

"Mhm, Two brothers and a sister"

The pair talked to each other until 3AM that night until they literally knew so much about each other. 



if u didnt see the cheska note that i posted right before this, i suggest you read it bc yes anyways YAY

also just a little side note, i might be accidentaly switch up winona and christian's  names with veronica and jd's name absent mindently bc most of the time i am brain dead lol


It Couple - Winona Ryder x Christian Slater /Chrisnona/Winistian (Hollywood AU)Where stories live. Discover now