Chapter 160: Absolute Soup

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The grouping was done by drawing lots. Qin Mian was in the fourth group.

The first group was Wu Dewang, Zheng Xiangui, Zhao Xiang, and Zhang Shun.

In less than two moments, four waiters came out with four dishes and put them in front of Old Liu, Old Gu, and Old Wen.

The four vegetarian dishes were Coconut-styled Bamboo Charm, Garlic Purple Eggplant, Golden Silk Greenish Jade, and Spinach Egg Roll. The chefs who made these four dishes were all famous wine houses' chefs. These four dishes were all extraordinary and had their own advantages. The Coconut-styled Bamboo Charm was made up of celery stems and green vegetable leaves as the coconut trees, tomatoes as the sand beach, and emerald green cucumbers with round vegetable balls in the center of the porcelain plate – the appearance warmed the heart and delighted the eye. The Garlic Purple Eggplant was bright in color and attractive in the aroma. The Golden Silk Greenish Jade was a cold dish of appetizing bean paste shredded bamboo shoots sprinkled with green coriander. The Spinach Egg Roll was small and delicate, just like an ornamental.

After Old Wen commented on the appearance, both Old Liu and Old Gu nodded with approval.

Manman stood on Lei Tie's thighs and watched from a distance. He said as though he evaluated them, "Not bad."

Yuanyuan said, "Dad will be more amazing."

Manman had confidence in his Dad, so he nodded in all seriousness, "En."

After tasting the four dishes, Old Liu commented, "The Coconut-styled Bamboo Charm and the Golden Silk Greenish Jade have the most harmonious flavors. When you eat them, you can imagine the two chefs cooking in a smooth flow. This old fellow I, am sure they have at least ten years of cooking experience. The Garlic Purple Eggplant is also quite remarkable. However, the heat control was slightly over, which then unable to perfectly bring out the tasty flavor of the eggplant. The Spinach Egg Roll appeared fairly well-done, but perhaps the chef was nervous. Some spinach in the egg roll is still raw. Therefore, this old fellow, I, think that Coconut-styled Bamboo Charm and Golden Silk Greenish Jade pass."

Old Gu and Old Wen seconded after having tasted the four dishes respectively.

Wu Dewang and Zheng Xiangui looked at Qin Mian.

Qin Mian cupped his hands in a congratulatory gesture to them with a smile on his lips, extremely calm.

The complacent look on Wu Dewang's and Zheng Xiangui's faces receded.

The waiters served the rest of the dishes to other chefs and the audience for them to taste at will.

The busybody people asked Wu Dewang and Zheng Xiangui and learned that both of them had indeed been chefs for more than ten years. Thus, they admired Old Liu even more [because he'd said so].

The second group soon entered the kitchen.

Another waiter put away the dishes and chopsticks used by the three judges and replaced them with the clean ones.

After the second and third groups were judged without a hitch, it was Qin Mian's fourth group turn.

Whether it was the three judges, the contestants, or the audiences, they all paid more attention to Qin Mian. When Qin Mian entered the kitchen, they unconsciously watched his back and secretly guessed what dish he would make.

Not long after that, four waiters came out with four plates of dishes, namely, Pumpkin-tangerine Pancake, Fried Three Shredded Veggies, Mashed Potato Balls, and Woven Cucumber.

Pumpkin-tangerine Pancake was pumpkin made into an open-peeled tangerine. Fried Three Shredded Veggies was shredded carrot, shredded kelp, and shredded potato arranged into a circle with each color stood alone. Mashed Potato Ball was made of potatoes kneaded into round balls. Woven Cucumber was sliced cucumbers placed layer upon layer. These four dishes all paid attention to the appearance, arranged artistically.

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