Chapter XCVI

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He wandered over to a podium where the aforementioned prototype was held.

"I may not be the best, but I am the best at being deceitful." He sniggered to himself.

"And you believe a prototype is going to aid us? It's possibly unstable, and could do Nova knows what. We have no clue in the slightest to allude to the success of the project, and no mind capable of comprehending the technology used to create it. There's no telling what it could do; it would be utterly reckless to pull that trigger." Meta Knight lectured, stepping forwards.

A smirk slid up the king's beak,"Well, I've been testing it for a while. And, I don't know if you've noticed, but I've worked with Haltmann enough times to know if it was successful or not, which it is. I've used it many times, but if it makes you uncomfortable I won't."

The knight sighed, as Galacta Knight rested his hands on his shoulders and reassured him.

"The only problem is, we're missing a vital piece of it: the fuel." Dedede pointed out, laying the gun flat on the podium.

"What's used to fuel it?" Bandana Waddle Dee asked, rubbing his chin.

"Liquid dark matter." He plainly stated, as though it was something he came across daily, "We'll need to clobber some dark matter to get dat."

"And you propose we go where to find that?" Meta interjected.

"You and I need to get that. We're also missing some stardust, as well as moon rock and a supernova berry." He stated.

"Star dust should be easy enough to get. Me and Kirby could get that for you!" Bandana Waddle Dee offered,"Anything to get back (Y/n)!"

"Yeah, for (Y/n)!" Kirby chanted, sounding as upbeat as usual.

"Well then, I suppose that Galacta can go with Astro to get the moon rock." Dedede carelessly added.


Bleary eyes opened up to the depths of the forest. The supposedly impenetrable treetops had been haphazardly slashed apart, allowing streaks of sun to blaze down and bless the land with light.

(Y/n) gasped for air, as if they were on the verge of drowning.

"Meta and the others, where are they-" they gasped, still overwhelmed.

"They're in Dreamland, enjoying their time without you. Soaking in the summer sun, enjoying the carefree atmosphere now that no evils lurk. And yet, you are stranded where they managed to escape. Why you?"


"You were wrongly abandoned by those you misplaced your trust in. I would apologise, but your mistakes aren't mine, friend."


"I don't understand, you still feel they are coming back for you. You hold the hope that those who left you stranded in a land you are unfamiliar with, never ventured, never trekked about, to die? What heroes would abandon the young? I know you are a competent fighter, but why would they leave you behind? What poor excuse would bandage up that emotional wound? What words would make this all better? I'm sorry? I simply forgot? I won't do it again?"

"Leave me alone.."

"(Y/n), friend, know that we're here for you. We won't leave you, like how they did. That was wrong. You're phenomenal as a person, completed by the good morals you hold dear. Your sense of justice could use some adjusting, but there's always room for improvement, isn't there? That's what's so glorious about the open minded."

(Y/n) felt their eyes burn; small, black dots swirled their vision, and they lost consciousness.

And they awoke in a world that felt like a dream. They were back home, but it felt too good to be true.

Everyone was glaring at them, but their faces were all scratched out with black. It was a dead little world.

You'll realize your world is naught but a sick little dream that you'll wake up from, and find tears strewn across your pillow, after overcoming the realization that it is no more than an illusion; all you see is unachievable in your reality, and there is no way possible to cross through. Nor can you bring that reality into this, not even a fragment.

They turned the corner and saw blood begin to drip down their faces. Twisted smiles became cut into their cheeks, and they cocked their heads around to face (Y/n), a snap sounding as they did. One fell to the ground, but stared up from the dirt. They all spoke at once in the same, unified voice.

Do you believe in change? Or, do you like being comforted through the lies that a person can indeed change, when you and me both know there is nothing one can do to contribute towards character development?

They rant to the centre of the village, only to find Cappies dismembered and wailing in agony. (Y/n) was petrified by the sight.

Innocents. So many innocents. You yourself are an innocent, yet you choose to put yourself first. How undeniably selfish of you.

They covered their ears and wailed out for a friend, but none came. Nobody in that world was real, and they awoke again in the same clearing they'd dropped in.

"What is it you want from me? Can't you see that I'm miserable enough? Or does my suffering bring you pleasure!" They screamed, stating more than asking.

Those same penetrating, golden, gleamy eyes were fixed on them, and their body turned to ice. Nothing worked, they couldn't move an inch.

"I want to make an agreement. I can get you back into that hellhole of your reality, in return you join my alliance." She stated, her golden gaze wavering from tree to tree,"It's a decision I want you to make on your own, uninfluenced by-"

"No! You've been so...confusing this whole time! You've done nothing but play mind tricks on me and the others, trying to break out minds! I'll never trust you, even if I have to suffer to prove my point!" They scowled, backing up to the nearest tree.

Their skin crawled as their shoulder knocked into the bark, scraping their skin, ever so slightly.

Without a hesitating thought, they brought themself to their feet in a swift motion and hit the ground running, not knowing where to go.

Bonnie sparked slightly, her hand phasing through her hair as she moved a few strands.

Clicking her fingers, she declared,"It looks like we have a hunt on our hands. First to find them by sundown wins my approval."

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