Chapter XVI - Isn't it strange?

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The country of Dreamland was safe once again. Dedede had returned to his throne, Meta Knight loyally served as Head Knight, Galacta Knight was healthy again, Kirby was as playful as ever and Bandana Waddle Dee idolised everyone as much as before.

Everything was picturesque, perfect, dandy, unproblematic. The peace hadn't been provoked.

However, once particular girl was still filled with questions. The way that so many things had happened and nobody paid attention to the smaller things really worked her up.

Becca decided to meet with Saffron to speak about it, as she had similar thoughts that Becca had. Something wasn't right, and she knew it.

The two met in a field and walked laps around the perimeter as they engaged in the conversation.

Becca was the first to speak. First, she thanked Saffron for coming and then proceeded on with her babbling.

"Don't you find it odd how those things had gotten out of hand so fast? The way they suddenly had a cut throat rivalry, isn't it odd? And the way Dedede just disappeared after we watched Wonderland crumble? Don't you find it weird?" Becca asked.

Saffron shrugged her shoulders,"Not too sure. I believe everything happens for a reason, so surely there would be a reason-?"

She was met with a piercing glare from Becca's violet eyes. They faded to a pink and she looked on the ground. "I don't believe that. I believe that there's surely more to this than we think. Possibly, there's a God that is controling us or something. What if we're just characters in a videogame? Or, characters in a story?"

Her sister gave a low chuckle,"I doubt that. Either we aren't or there's a really bad author writing the characters."

"Huh, I don't get it..?"

"I'm basically saying that either (Y/n) is constantly playing hero and coincidentally saving the day or this 'author' of yours is obsessed with them."

"What if the author is making it a reader insert?" Becca smirked, thinking she was speaking logically.

"What, who would be reading that story? Another God?"

"Fair enough. Anyway, I don't get why we don't just summon Galactic Nova again. It would solve all out problems if we just let it." Becca reasoned,"We only got to use it once. Shame."

"I guess. Hey, have you noticed the Knights recently? They've started getting a bit more comfortable doing couple things in public. Y'know, like cuddling and holding hands? Proper cute stuff, you should see it." Saffron explained.

Slowly nodding, Becca remembered the detail for later. That was something she wanted to see.

Becca turned to face Saffron and folded her arms. She came to a halt and Saffron followed her.

"Wait..when did you see that exactly?"

when did you see that exactly?"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Uh, I saw it earlier.." Saffron mumbled, putting her arms behind her back and shying away a bit,"Whatever, let's just continue walking."

There was a forced silence before Saffron spoke again,"Don't you find it weird how we've found so many of our sisters in the last few..months? Weeks? I'm not sure how long it's been."

Her audience gave a subtle nod.


Just like before the events, the castle was alive with hustle and bustle. With the King's return, it was much busier than before and much louder.

Even Escargoon had returned, meaning that the troublesome duo had returned once more. Dedede kept all of the major details to himself, such as the fact Haltmann had kidnapped him and the fact that Haltmann was even around.

The two knights decided to go to the beach together, so they could spend some well deserved time with one another.

Galacta Knight was cuddled up against Meta Knight as they spoke of various topics together.

Tiff was watching Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee playing with the other Cappy children.

Dedede and Escargoon were chatting with Susie about anything suspicious that she'd seen or heard from her father. Escargoon had no idea what was going on, but was ever so grateful to be by the King's side once more.

The peace wouldn't last, though. (Y/n), you need to wake up and do something about it. So go, and sort it out.

Once again, (Y/n) found themself in a nightmare. It was sunset and they were exhausted, so they went to bed early. Undoubtedly, it was a mistake.

They wanted to open their eyes, but they couldn't bring themself to. The rush of fear was like that of a rollercoaster.

The Shadow Person was stood by the open window, tapping their finger on the frame. It went tap..tap..tap.

(Y/n) approached them, grabbing a sword off of the wall mount they had. Pointing the tip of the blade directly at them, they hissed,"Who are you? What do you want with me? Why me?"

In a tone of tranquility, it muttered,"He's coming. You may not rest now. Gather them. They know what to do, so gather them. The stars."

They wanted them to gather the Star Warriors? All of them were already gathered in the castle, having the time of their lives. Relaxing was a distant dream for them, and now they got to.

(Y/n) awoke with a start. Sweat dripped from their forehead and they were gasping for air.

Morpho Knight and Sir Nonsurat had been passing by and heard the commotion, so they checked on the anxious puffball.

"Is everything okay in here?" Morpho asked,"We heard you from in the hallway."

The other Knight chimed in,"Yeah, did you have a nightmare or something?"

Embarrassed, (Y/n) hummed in confirmation and Morpho hopped onto their bed and pulled them into hug. His embrace was so warm and comforting.

The other Knight watched from the doorway, he wasn't really the type for father-y things. So, he stood and watched. He didn't quite understand how the other knights had softened up, but it didn't really matter.

(Y/n) was almost disappointed when Morpho pulled away. It was comforting to have him by their side.

However, he had a question. A question that everyone would ask when someone wakes up startled,"What was your nightmare about?"

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