Chapter XLVI -A little bit too far

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Most of the knights were thinking of a way to disprove Dedede's point, while they stood together on the roof of the castle. Dark Meta Knight didn't really care for the Cappie's opinion on him, as he thought them as mindless, insignificant people who constantly needed saving and, he certainly wasn't wrong. 

That wasn't all of the knights, as there was five others; Astro, Sir Lancelot, Sir Arthur, Sir Falspar and Sir Dragato. The four males had no affiliation or contact with the Cappies, and didn't exactly know about the problem until they got dirty stares and icy glares from them when they entered town. It wasn't that large of a problem even then, as they usually didn't spend long in one place, and tended to move from area to area to get their work done. 

Astro had no idea what to do about it and spent the day baking her worry into sweet treats for her friends to enjoy. Perhaps it could serve as a victory snack later?


Dedede was stood by the monument that had been built in the honour of the Star Warriors and Galaxy Soldiers. As he eyed it with a wicked grin plastered across his face, he declared, "We shouldn't worship then like Gods, as they're no better than the dirt we walk on. So, we should treat them in that aspect. Starting with this."

With a click of his fingers, he called Escargoon over. The mollusk nervously shifted the crane he was in over to where Dedede was. All the poor henchman could see was the evil glint in his eyes, as he was about to go through with something so vile that it would dishonour his village, country and name. 

When Escargoon stopped the machine, Dedede shouted back at him with a careless tone in his voice. That was when the mollusk decided enough was enough and Dedede had made him snap,"I refuse to destroy the monument of an army that have helped us so much. Without them, this country would be demolished and have nothing but ash and dust. I'm not helping you anymore, Dedede, as you're a dictator."

For a moment, the King was speechless. There really was nothing he could say, except the flaw in Escargoon's little speech,"Goonie, this town is ash and dust, because of them! Our town is gone, with only memories of it left to live on in the hearts of the broken-hearted townsfolk. "

Now it was his turn to be speechless, as he didn't expect the Star Warriors to have done that. Surely there was a reason, as they would never have done sure a low thing. Before he could protest, the manipulative penguin read his expression and answered his question for him," They did do this. They believed that this kingdom shouldn't be the way it is as they are jealous of the laid back lives we lived. Also, did you know that Meta is the son of Nightmare and he was the one sending those monsters.?"

Escargoon's blood ran cold at the fact," T-That's not true.. He's a hero; he'd never do anything wrong..!"

"Oh believe me, he's much worse than he appears. Maybe that's why he is always so quiet." He grinned again, his mouth widening with every word. His faithful servant felt sick that he would accuse one of the heroes of Dreamland like that. He knew he should've said something, but he just couldn't bring himself to speak. What was worse was the people sided with the old King, saying what he was speaking the truth. 

The mollusk lowered his head in shame that he used to serve him. He felt as though he should put an end to the king's reign, but couldn't fathom what to do. 


Lillian finally managed to slip away from the others without being caught. Slowly, she lifted up her phone out of the pocket of her denim jacket and dialled the number of the friend she wanted to speak to. She had seen them in the the previous few days, but they looked very busy. As she wandered into the woods, the Haltonian she wanted to speak with  picked up. 

"Hello? Is this..'them'? I've been longing to speak with you for..quite a while now."

"Fuhuhuh, I appreciate your enthusiasm. Now, have you done what I've asked of you?"

Lillian looked up at the treetops, "Well, I have done what I've been asked. Also, I did it discreetly, so they do not know."

The Haltonian smiled with their eyes, "Amazing! We can't tell them what is going on yet, as they'll be much less unwilling to oblige. And, they'll be concerned to know what exactly has been going on behind the scenes."

"Well, us working together is something they wouldn't expect. And, they'll believe it was for personal gain, as we're unlike to come forwards and save the world. Hah, that sounds cringe."

"Alright, we'd best be signing off now, as we don't want to be caught speaking together. So, see you later."

"Alright." The Haltonian smirked,"I'll be seeing you later. And, don't forget the next step of the plan."

And with that, Lillian hung up the phone and enjoyed the scenery for the next few minutes before wondering how to do the next step of the plan.

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