Chapter LXXXI - An enemy to be trusted

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Unknowing of the dangers, Kirby waltzed up to the door and opened it, only to be met with the sight of a former friend.


It was partially unexpected, and nonetheless a relief, but her presence was enough to unsettle the elder swordsman. The voice was a dozen alarm bells on its own, and her given permission to enter was something that made him want to run off.

The Haltonian drank in the sight; seeing one she idolised so much in such a vulnerable state was something she'd need at least a year to adjust to.

(Y/n), being so understanding, took his hand in their own and walked him off into a different room to console him. It wasn't like they hated Susie, but they knew just how much he did, and how that burning fury and fearsome grudge could've escalated to an unnecessary argument, leading into a full fledged fight breaking out. Again, unnecessary.

Kirby led the newcomer to the table, finding it increasingly hard to stop focusing on the knight's behaviour. Was she really that awful?

Tay was the first to speak up about the newcomer, sending a hateful glare in her direction,"Well then, 's clear that one member o' us already hates you."

Intimidated, Susie slightly raised her hands, surrendering before she'd even explained herself.

Dedede shushed Tay, urging Susie to continue with what it was she needed to spit out.

"Haltmann, he's everywhere. I don't know who did it, but someone had managed to infiltrate his base. Apparently, million of Dedens worth of technology has been stolen, allegedly sold on the dark web for twice its price." She informed them, keeping a close eye on the door, half hoping that the Knight would come back through.

"Why is it any of our concern? I mean, Haltmann doesn't know that we're here, except for Tay and Dedede, perhaps." Bandana Waddle Dee stated, making his first effort to speak up during their small discussions.

Kirby nodded at the information, barely able to make anything other than a hardly audible squeak.

"The technology stolen wasn't average technology; it consisted of technology able to restore sight, the technology opticians would use. Many lenses were stolen, along with a handful of other pieces." Susie said, beginning to make sense.

Dedede and Tay shared a glance, before Tay turned back to her," And again, what makes it any of our business?"

"I was the one who stole it, and I hope to make a deal."


Dedede's immediate response provoked Tay, who stared at him disgusted.

"What are your demands? If you want Star Dream, we'll get you Star Dream. You want a billion Deden? We'll get you it. Whatever your needs are, we'll get-" He was cut off when Tay flicked the back of his head, causing him to abruptly stop.
"Ouch, hey!"

"What's the use of us havin' it if we ain't certain if it's in workin' condition, or if we don't know how to use any o' it?" Tay reasoned, folding her arms and turning back to the stranger," What is it you are asking for, even?"

"I just want him to forgive me, which sounds unreasonable." Susie sighed, lowering her head out of shame,"It's the least I could do."

"Well, that's if he even lets you close to him. And, I'd prefer it if you didn't have to completely switch his eyes, cause I like how they change colours." Dedede interrupted, smiling shyly as he drew to a close.

Susie's interest had peaked when Dedede mentioned that feature, as it was something she hadn't seen him do or heard of,"Of course, I just need to get close enough to him to do it, though. Also, things could get a bit gory."

The crew nodded, agreeing that it would be better. His sight wasn't simply going to return to him without any form of help.

So, accompanied by Dedede, Susie went into the next room and requested that the Knight obeyed everything she requested from him.

"I'll never trust you, after what you've done." He spat, voice filled with a rage that they'd never heard. A small flicker of red sparked in his eyes, just enough to be noticeable.

Susie hung her head, watching as the Knight took several steps backwards to avoid her, not knowing where he was, yet believing that anywhere away from her was a good place.

(Y/n) tried to reason, just to see what was being demanded, but he refused to allow himself to be handed over senselessly to her. Being blind was something he would take over having sight, knowing Susie was the one to give him it.

"Meta, they have a point. Even if she's someone who's hurt you dreadfully in the past, she's trying to help you now. I know it hurts to admit it, but we have to trust her!"

As they spoke, he watched a memory or two replay in his mind, memories of which he had desperately prayed were long forgotten.

His skin felt infested with wires, sparking below the surface. There was no blood in his body, replaced by electricity that pulsed throughout him. His vision had texts overlaying it, stating information that his manufactured brain understood. All of it was wrong, but the surge of power he felt twisted his face into a wicked smile, one he couldn't remove from his burning face. Every motion was the purest agony, one that couldn't be compared to any experience; it felt otherworldly. The grip on his blazing weapon tightened, and he marched on to his programmed path.

When he woke from the memory, he was shocked to find the face of his students, painted with expressions of wonder, worry and anxiety, close and visible.


He could see everything around him, even better than before he had lost his sight.

Susie was grinning at her work, watching as an array of emotions washed over eachother on his visage.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was glad that she'd restored his vision, even after he had ignorantly denied her.

"Look, I just want to try and start fresh with you, that's all."

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