Chapter VII - Outcasted

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Kirby, (Y/n) and Bandana Waddle Dee were all playing with butterfly nets as Tiff watched them both while she read her book on marine biology.

The days had grown to be rather peaceful, so Kirby had become more distant to his hero aspects and embraced his childhood. (Y/n) was the same, they finally got to live out their days doing things that people their age should.

Unexpectedly, Saffron approached them with ice creams from Gengu's store.

Tiff graciously accepted the frosty treat and thanked her for it, recieving only a hum for a response. She distributed the ice creams equally, giving each of them one each. As the weather was unbearably hot, she took a seat in the shade besides Tiff.

"It's a lovely day today, isn't it?" Tiff awkwardly pointed out, attempting to make small talk.

Saffron wasn't one for speaking in front of people, but the silence was killing her,"Uh..I'd say it's a bit too warm today, but it's still lovely out."

Tiff seemed startled by receiving a response and gave a gasp of surprise,"Oh, I've never heard you speak before! You have a nice voice..uh.."

"Starstruck. Saffron Starstruck, leader of the HeartShots." She introduced,"And you? You're name's Tiff, right?"

The Cappy girl gave a nod,"Yeah, my name's Tiff. I guess you already know who Kirby is and who Bandana Waddle Dee is."

All she did was nod in response.

The two felt a shiver down their spines when they saw how horrific the wound on Meta Knight's face was. Tiff gave a cry of surprise and immediately fussed about it. "Who did this to you??"

"Galacta Knight did. Something's wrong with him, he's been acting strange and has been hearing voices." He confessed, making them all the more confused.

"But, you're married to him..? Why would he do that to do?" Tiff asked, not intending to get a response.

"Mental health problems."

Both of them stared at Saffron with a thoughtful expression on their faces.

"Mental health problems, he may have mental health problems. After so many years deprived of interactions and relationships, it might just be it all catching up to him." She reasoned, her point valid.

"If that's the case then why wasn't he like this before? Why didn't he act oddly before? Why is it only happening now?" Tiff bombarded her with questions.

"Because, things take time. Usually, it comes and gets you at either your best or your worst." Saffron stated.

"Hey, shouldn't you be sorting the wound out first and babbling later?" (Y/n) pitched in,"Dad, I mean Meta, come here."

The younger puffball dug through the first aid supplies that Tiff had brought along with them. It wasn't often that Kirby had gotten hurt playing, but it wasn't something occasional.

They cleaned up the blood and patched up the wound to prevent infection.

With it all happening so fast, they hadn't noticed or spoken about the fact he wasn't wearing his mask. He though Tiff would have said something about it, but she remained silent about it.

Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee had only just noticed the Knight and approached him excitedly. They carelessly dropped their butterfly nets, freeing the tangerine butterfly that had been caught.

"Meta Knight!" Kirby cheerfully beamed, approaching the unmasked puffball.

He seemed so stoic considering how deep the wound had dug into his flesh. However, Kirby couldn't see that because it was already covered.

Saffron collapsed onto the grass again, resting herself against the trunk of a broad oak tree. She had considered giving him her own mask, but it would come off in the wrong way. And, she wanted to keep up the ominous profile that she had built up thus far.

The others eventually sat down alongside her, making her nervously shuffle away from them.

"So, what exactly happened? Are you alright? Does this change anything with you and Galacta, Poyo?" Kirby inquired.

"I'm not too sure. If it carried on like this then I may be left with no choice if he can't find help." He miserably told them.

Galacta spied them from behind a nearby tree and heard what was said. Did that mean their relationship was coming to an end..?

He felt his face fill with tears, as his vision faded to a sorrowful blur of his own misery.

The way they spoke of them made it sound as if he were put his mind, but he really wasn't.

Without another word, he hurried off to the castle.

Bandana Waddle Dee had heard the me rustling of a nearby bush, and meant to brought it up but the sound of his voice was drown out by their concerned chatter.

Galacta Knight stood in their room, was he really about to do this? He couldn't bring himself to, because his life was so perfect before. But, what was there left there for him? If everyone around him suspected he was crazy then, maybe he was just crazy.

In a shaky hand, he took up a pencil and wrote a note. Through a blur of tears, he could see the atrocious and rushed note he had written. When he was finished, he snapped the pencil in half with his hand and gathered all the stuff he needed and left.

If he wasn't wanted there, then he would leave and find business elsewhere.

Later that day, Becca had received a letter that told them where he had ended up - he had managed to find Dedede and Haltmann.

But, instead of fighting them, he had joined them.


Lillian was surprised by Galacta Knight's arrival. She consoled him, telling him that she would keep him safe and that he could tell her anything he needed to get off his chest.

The last thing she wanted was for him to join them, as she was later going to betray them. So, she tried her best to tell him to return home, but he refused. Galacta Knight told her how awful things had gotten, and she listened to him but attempted to persuade him to leave.

"You need to go, this place isn't safe at all." She mumbled, only to find he didn't pay any attention.

Very well, I'll have to notify my sisters about this.. she thought to herself.

When he had left, she began writing a letter and sent it over to their address.

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